
Christmas 2011 No. 1 campaign


Seems this years choice is "Nirvana , Smells like teen spirit" , buy your download between 18th and 24th December to keep some X-factor trash off the No1 slot for at least Christmas.
That's a relief. For a moment I feared you & Les had recorded a cover of "The Floral Dance".
oh dear why not something contemporary rather than a 20 year old track that even yer granny has a copy of?
Yah and it's not even like it's Nirvana's best song. Or even the best song on the album. Or even a Les and Zener cover of Nirvana's not best song or best song on album.
Im backing

Susan Boyle,

I Saw Mommie Kissing Santa Clause

does what it sez on the tin
job done
end of
All Christmas no 1s have been utter shite; for example 'Another Brick in the Wall' by the Pink Floyd.

