
Changing house name.

How about "Porsche driver disembowelment centre"?

are you being Porschist? What is wrong with driving a Porsche?

When my neighbour moved in they changed from a stupid name to a number which was straight forward, until the previous occupant tried to renew their redirect and discovered their crazily named house no longer existed....

The name of the house was "Robosuse"
We will give ourselves time to think of other possible names, then it's a case of stumping up £100 and waiting for about three weeks. Might let you know then!
We have finally received the letter from the Land Registry confirming the change of house name. Quite painless in the end. Thanks for the help here :)
I was amused by 'Cobwebs' which upon enquiry was apparently an acronym:

'Currently Owned By Woolwich Equitable Building Society'.
How about renaming your house The Bank of England?
It might result in some usefully valuable wrongly delivered parcels.

