
Cadence Ebony 078 Record Puck / Weight


pfm Member
Does anyone on here have any knowledge or experience with a Cadence Ebony 078 record puck / weight?
I have been told that it's quite rare!? I can't seem to find out anything about it. Someone said that it could have possibly been made in Belgium or the Netherlands? And quite possibly be a very early Okki Nokki prototype!?

Anyway, it's a well made piece, looks like it's made from African ebony, a very dark and dense wood, very nicely machined / turned. approximately 80 mm in height and is around 75 mm at the widest point where it meets the record label, so it will not interfere with larger cartridges, the spindle hole is about 1" inch deep, there are 7 equally spaced deep grooves down the main body of the puck and just a slight flare at the bottom creating the mating surface for the record label.

It looks great and sounds fine too, adds some focus and also weight to the bass.

I look forward to any comments...

Is it a bit like this Kuzma one?
No, not really. The Kuzma Ebony Record Weight is open ended! This one looks more like the Shun Mook Record Clamp, except that there is no twisting involved, so, no collets built into the puck that grip the spindle.

