
Bye bye manpad, hello daughter.


pfm Member
When my first daughter left home, almost 15 years ago now, I converted her bedroom into my manpad. Well due to the current state of the housing market & her sad failure to get a suitable house for not ridiculous money she might, well more than likely, be moving back for the foreseeable future until this mad house housing market surge settles down to affordable levels.

My manpad will be no more, all gear will packed up & stored, the spare bedroom is too small, I am not allowed it downstairs anymore, tis a sad day that looms upon me.

Headphones will be my order of the day soon.
Think about how your daughter feels having to move back in with you.

It is the only way for her to amass further savings in order to try to buy a house. All of the homes for sale are " offers over " type, the sales prices are eye watering in comparison to what they were even 12 months ago. I think speculators are moving in to buy then rent out on the basis of a quick buck whilst things last.
Cash rich are buying in now as Inflation and high mortgage rates loom to drive up rents.
It is the only way for her to amass further savings in order to try to buy a house. All of the homes for sale are " offers over " type, the sales prices are eye watering in comparison to what they were even 12 months ago. I think speculators are moving in to buy then rent out on the basis of a quick buck whilst things last.
more likely huge demand for houses due to lockdown, folks getting out of flats .also huge amounts of money in system as holidays not taken
There should always be give and take in any relationship.
But as they say, Happy wife, happy life!:D

If all else fails - headphones. At least you still chill to some tunes and then she can't say
'What's that rubbish you're listening to', like mine does.

I feel your pain. My son moved out around 12 months ago and for the first time ever I was able to set up a system in a dedicated room. Good points raised though about enjoying your time together and hope she can get the money together for her own place in due course.
I dont do the 'allowed' thing..... I'm a fully grown man. I would be having a chat about a compromise here.

I promised that the system would not clutter the main room once it moved to a manpad, that is just the way it is, headphones is the way forward.
She offered asking price on a flat in August, the vendor agreed verbally, 3 days later the estate agent rang her to say that she needed to increase her offer. She told him to get lost !!
I thought that was not allowed? Also round here a house came up for sale a most unusual thing basically an auction then you had to pay like a minimum 5600 to that on top. I thought auctions were not a thing as well, but obviously wrong

I think the problem is last time I looked there were like 50 houses for sale around Andover you can usually put a zero on the end of that.
I've always shared the sound system, cost enough so the more people who enjoy it the better.

Last daughter left nearly a year ago after coming back for a couple of years to save a deposit.

Turned out to be good at saving, got a job instead of going to uni which helped.
Alternatively charge her a bit of rent, then use this to rent a small self storage room, and move your manpad to the storage :)
Both my daughter's have bought houses in the last 15months
Both have had to offer OVER asking price to get a place
It's mad out there
Get very good headphones! You deserve them:) I’m very late to this particular party but am now a huge fan( for half my listening time each day)

