
Buffalo II - Assembly for the Electronically Bewildered.

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Cool. I've got polystyrenes at the moment - how would you compare the difference going from Wima to polystyrene to the difference between polystyrene and Teflon?
The little Wimas are nice and inoffensive, but once you realize what's really there, they're a bit woolly. Polystyrenes are clearly cleaner and more dynamic than the Wimas. Most people prefer them in same positions, although some find them lean (but not quite analytical). To my ears, teflons are further down the same path as the polystyrenes but with more integrity to the whole sound.

I also have teflons bypassing the feedback caps in my tweeter amp, so there may be some synergy going on. I don't know how dramatic the improvement will be with teflons only in the Buffalo I-V circuitry. I took my DAC (with polystyrenes) to a buddy's system last weekend, hoping to impress him with how much his system could be improved with a good DAC. However, his system sounded no better and even sounded worse in the HFs. In my system (which is better :p), the effect of the TPA DAC was a profound improvement over taking the analog outputs from the disc player.

So my take is that teflons can take an excellent system to greatness, but they're probably beyond a simply good system. Hem, hem... ;)

With those big Teflons and long wires, it might be the inductance in series with the cap that makes the sonic difference! :D
Doesn't look to be much difference from a performance point of view, rather more features, and potential for customization.

With those big Teflons and long wires, it might be the inductance in series with the cap that makes the sonic difference! :D

There's potential for picking up RFI with the extra loop inductance, but if it sounds better, those long leads can't be doing too much harm.
FWIW, the leads are teflon coated silver wire. ;) I made them all ~6cm to give me some wiggle room as I played around with how to fit them in my now overflowing case.
Wow, there are some 200V 2n2 caps on eBay (Item number 380265661981) that are only 10x22mm. I wish those had been available when I bought mine.
It was inevitable really wasn't it. I've taken a punt on some of those 200v caps and will report back once installed...
You guys are killing me, I have had to order a set too. James, you can be the guinea pig... :)

Kind of like the idea of old Soviet era hardware in my hi-fi, the teflon caps will compement the military Soviet tubes in my Stingray.

Are they really 2n2 ? Is it possible to measure those caps ? I want to have both channel identical ...
OK Guys, Placid HD's, Placid HD BP's and Legatos on sale at the moment on the TP site it you want to snap one up!
Well done Martin! I've just ordered a couple of the HD Placids to go with my Buffalo dual-mono setup. Just need those blasted Tridents!

I was wondering whether the old Placids can be used elsewhere, say in a 9V power supply I'm thinking of building to power my USB - SP/dif convertor?
Should i buy every few weeks one new part from TP and each time pay for p&p ? Few weeks ago ordered BP Placid HD and now Placid HD appears.

I think, that i will sell my Buffalo II to a friend and will wait until BIII and all other "HD" and Tridents parts will be available.

Than i will build it and few weeks later Placid HDx, Trident HD and B IV will appear :D:D:D

I better go for a walk ...
Well done Martin! I've just ordered a couple of the HD Placids to go with my Buffalo dual-mono setup. Just need those blasted Tridents!

I was wondering whether the old Placids can be used elsewhere, say in a 9V power supply I'm thinking of building to power my USB - SP/dif convertor?

I use my Placid as a 9v supply for my Evo, works wonderfully!
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