

The Captain

I'd like everyone to know that I fixed my Roksan Caspian cd player dicky drawer (earlier late 90's type) with a rubberband I removed from a 'brace' of Tesco broccoli. I am consistently amazed, by my own brilliance.

That is all.


That is calabrese NOT broccoli.

Skrew what know-nothing supermarket buyers reckon.

To compensate, the same morons have to invent new names for actual broccoli, such as "purple sprouting" (brocolli).
^ what a way, to miss the point ...

Not at all - it drives me up the wall - most of it following Americanisms. Sea bass instead of bass, romaine instead of cos, broccoli instead of calabrese, FFS we will be eating rutabegas and scallions next.
Not at all - it drives me up the wall - most of it following Americanisms. Sea bass instead of bass, romaine instead of cos, broccoli instead of calabrese, FFS we will be eating rutabegas and scallions next.

Try asking for syboes in Sassenachland. ;)
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I was in a garden center they had seeds for Romanesco one packet said Broccoli the other one said cauliflower.

Calabrese means "of Calabria". Lots of things and people are Calabrese. It's actually broccoli.

Nice fix BTW.
Not at all - it drives me up the wall - most of it following Americanisms. Sea bass instead of bass, romaine instead of cos, broccoli instead of calabrese, FFS we will be eating rutabegas and scallions next.
Pray tell.. what is wrong with 'scallions' and the eating thereof ?
Free upgrade, with every batch of broccoli you buy in future!

Which is just as well - it won't last forever, the plasticisers will go away fairly quickly (very very quickly if you store spares in a polystyrene cup/ in contact with polystyrene...)

