
Bizarre moments with music


pfm Member
Lots of good threads, and always fun reading. My turn to share.Two bizarre moments when music happened unexpectedly.

1) My clock radio goes off at 5:45 am at exactly the start ( on Radio National) of O Superman ( Laurie Anderson) I'm half awake hearing one of the strangest things I've ever heard and starting to feel very wierd......

2) 2:00AM and a Steely Dan CD starts up in the living room. I'm frozen with apprehension, suspecting the worst, a home invasion with some crim toying with my psyche by putting the music on. Problem? A power cut followed by restoration and the default mode of the Rega Planet is to go straight to play. Made sense when I looked at the clock radio flashing all zeros at me.

Love the thread on funeral music , by the way. Just brilliant.
Been caught out by the Planet's auto start thing before as well. I now make sure the volume is turned right down before going to bed. One hell of a way to be woken up!

