
Best Punk Song?

Pretty Vacant. Matlock's adaption / re working of a riff from Abba's S.O.S. is sheer genius.
15 years on from Beatles / Stones etc copying the blues music they liked this is a pop/ rock / punk composition that referenced a contemporary riff to create something original.

I agree, when i picked this thread up yesterday, my first thought was Pretty Vacant, that riff is the dogs! And I can almost play it! I also thought the OP had it right with The Ruts.

You also have to factor in Ramones, X-Ray Spex and Siouxsie Sioux.

It was an interesting time that gave a platform for some great musicians.

Gary Numan being the winner.
Pretty Vacant or any of those first three Pistols singles. I have a soft spot for White Man because it speaks, so eloquently, to the times that influenced the person I became.
It just has to be Pretty Vacant really.

Posting this though as a tribute to my uncle who recently died. He heard this playing in my bedroom when I was 14, knocked, came in and we sat and listened together to the album and discussed the content. He took an interest in a growing young person for which I will always be thankful (tear). I thought about playing it at his funeral, but didn't have the bottle.

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Peru. 1964.
Indeed, that can be punk, good find.

It is like punk only existed around '75 or 6, whenever. The attitude has always existed. A bit like saying the Beatles were first, a tad of delving reveals a lot.

I always find it amusing when people say Bluegrass has been around for years, when in fact it was called folk music and bluegrass was first used in the 60's to distinguish it and make a new genre. A bit of commercialism, like Starbucks/Nero for coffee purity and people fall for it.

I think I had better ban myself before the authorities do.



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