
Best material for replacement turntable shelf?

Perhaps be less concerned with the base material and more as to how you'll isolate the deck from it? Personally I'd avoid anything glass.
Are any of these opinions on this thread based on any science or is it all just opinions?

Without supporting reasoning statements about what you wouldn't use and what you would use hold no value.

Good question. I must admit I tend to subscribe to the school of thought which considers things generally sound like what they're made of. Whatever the science, it seems to be consistent.

So glass sounds glassy, metal rings and MDF is muddy because it's basically slurry and glue. Acrylic can sound okay but it's such a pain in the arse who cares?

I've always assumed Mana is/was an elaborate practical joke, the typography alone should prevent it from ever being taken seriously outside the confines of Castle Dracula. If you have less than 10 levels they're laughing at you, not with you.

My preferences are generally for real wood (seen any MDF violins lately?), oak is (presumably) cheap but a bit lumpen, so preferably a hardwood (sadly often not very ecologically friendly), or plywood. Bamboo can be good as well, albeit with, it seems to me, rather variable results, but it's hard to argue with the value.

But then I'm a weirdo and I don't like spikes anywhere in a system either.
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The Tiger Paw should fit and be better made than what Target originally supplied. If you want something that is actually designed to isolate, try a Symposium Segue shelf. They make one with the dimensions 19 X 14 which should fit a Target. It can be placed onto the top spikes of the stand and if you go with metal footers on the turntable it will improve the transfer of energy out of the turntable.

Plus one for Tiger Paw Vulcan board I have one on my custom design shelf replacing the glass, they’re reasonably cheap under £30 l.
I've always wondered why we take something that we know can be disturbed by external vibrations, and plonk it on a flat piece of something that will to some extent, flap about with the soundwaves in the room. Rega, quite sensibly, do a shelf that just has locations for the turntable feet, though I must admit I've used it, or compared it with a shelf with a wooden lid, but it seems to make more sense.

However, many years ago I was rather surprised by Origin Live who managed to demonstrate the difference between a thick shelf, vs a thin shelf, when listening with headphones - so the difference couldn't have been 'feedback' from the speakers.

I just plonk my Skeleton on a home made acrylic table, designed for it's aesthetic properties, and it sounds fine.

(Though I managed to find three LPs in a row with off centre holes - and we've become amazingly intolerant of speed instabilities in this digital age - but that is another subject.)
Stone mason next to a cemetery helped me, then I tried 0.5in phenolic laminate and last acrylic. Then I gave up concerning myself with vinyl.

This was with Planar 3 (original) and LP12.
I used to have the standard (laminated mdf/chipboard?) shelf on my project wall shelf. It started to bow and I replaced it with granite. It looks better, has no chance of warping and, to my ears at least, sounds exactly the same
If it "sounds" don't use it.

But I see you are on a post count rush.
I see what you mean but I think that a modicum of common sense would have indicated that I intended to say that it made my turntable sound better than other materials.
Also if you check your facts you will find that I have been a member of this forum for several years. The reason people like me tend not to post is because of people like you trying to be smarter than you are and getting some kind of meaning in your life by denigrating other people's posts to make your smug little life more interesting than it is.
If one cannot say something positive then say nothing .
The reason people like me tend not to post is because of people like you trying to be smarter than you are and getting some kind of meaning in your life by denigrating other people's posts to make your smug little life more interesting than it is.
If one cannot say something positive then say nothing .

Bravo! My sentiments exactly.
Also if you check your facts you will find that I have been a member of this forum for several years.

I did in fact check before I posted.

And when I checked I noticed that you have been a member since 2004 and of the grand total of 24 posts that you have posted in all that time you made 15 of then in one rush last night.

Where is what I said factually wrong?.... I assigned no motive to your posting, I merely noted the sudden rush of posts.

The posts stood out like a sore thumb. Having marked "all posts read" the night before I opened up the Audio section the next day to find that the last poster on virtually all the threads on the first page of the Audio section was a member called cnocmoy10, someone that I had never seen a post from before. It peeked my interest. So I looked you up.

Maybe a little lightening up on your part would help you enjoy it more here? Maybe you could be a little less denigrating and a little less smug? Maybe a little less of " the reason people like me tend not to post " when you have just gone on a splurge?:D

The reason people like me tend not to post is because of people like you trying to be smarter than you are and getting some kind of meaning in your life by denigrating other people's posts to make your smug little life more interesting than it is.

Where did that come from? Where in what I posted did I deserve that response?

ps... hoist on your own petard.. having run me through with your rapier of invective you end with .................... "If one cannot say something positive then say nothing .":rolleyes:
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That was in response to your initial snide comment.Tried to take part in the posts that interested me but fear not . I have been a member since 2004 and you have succeeded in putting me firmly in my place about posting ( thought that reading and learning was important but apparently not.) Don't read, post or suffer the consequences of my betters opinions. Thank you for that. I have learned so much about HiFi equipment from this site and the kindness of members in the last 14 years. Now I have learned that shelves do or don't have sounds (thanks Joe ) and that one should know one's place when I was up late one night trying to learn. I like the implied criticism of why so few posts since 2004 and too many in one night. Slightly incongruous perhaps? Next time I can't sleep I shall try another forum...another win for you as I slink away, petard duly lowered tripping me up as it catches on the tail between my legs. On saying something positive I think you are positively a........... (no definitely can't say that)
That was in response to your initial snide comment.Tried to take part in the posts that interested me but fear not . I have been a member since 2004 and you have succeeded in putting me firmly in my place about posting ( thought that reading and learning was important but apparently not.) Don't read, post or suffer the consequences of my betters opinions. Thank you for that. I have learned so much about HiFi equipment from this site and the kindness of members in the last 14 years. Now I have learned that shelves do or don't have sounds (thanks Joe ) and that one should know one's place when I was up late one night trying to learn. I like the implied criticism of why so few posts since 2004 and too many in one night. Slightly incongruous perhaps? Next time I can't sleep I shall try another forum...another win for you as I slink away, petard duly lowered tripping me up as it catches on the tail between my legs. On saying something positive I think you are positively a........... (no definitely can't say that)

You got all that just from the comment " I see you are in a post count rush ?" ?
If I'd only known that you would have read so much into such a slight comment.
Again.. I would point out that I have made not one personal comment about you. And I have neither said nor implied all the nonsense that you attribute to me in your two posts.

Btw.... how do you read all that into such a slight comment ?

That was a rhetorical question .. I have no wish to carry this on... it does a disservice to this thread and the forum. I will let others judge for themselves.
You got all that just from the comment " I see you are in a post count rush ?" ?
If I'd only known that you would have read so much into such a slight comment.
Again.. I would point out that I have made not one personal comment about you. And I have neither said nor implied all the nonsense that you attribute to me in your two posts.

Btw.... how do you read all that into such a slight comment ?

That was a rhetorical question .. I have no wish to carry this on... it does a disservice to this thread and the forum. I will let others judge for themselves.

