
Beard oil


pfm Member
I understand that bearded hipsters use beard oil. I've had a beard for yonks but have never used oil. There is a bloke in Kent making it from seaweed. Any recommendations from pfm hipsters?
I sometimes see a hipster near my office in London who has shaved just one side of his face/beard and looks bloody stupid.
Just 'work in' the bits of food, that'll do it. Eat lots of eggs. Egg yolk is good.
It depends what type of hipster beard you have gone for. Obviously if you've gone Karl Marx you'd want a different type than if you've gone for a kitchener tash.
I understand that bearded hipsters use beard oil. I've had a beard for yonks but have never used oil. There is a bloke in Kent making it from seaweed. Any recommendations from pfm hipsters?

Just in case there is any confusion here, I'm not actually a hipster. My beard is the same length as my hair - about 4mm - and I had it before hipsters were invented. I was just intrigued by the notion of beard oil.
I understand that bearded hipsters use beard oil. I've had a beard for yonks but have never used oil. There is a bloke in Kent making it from seaweed. Any recommendations from pfm hipsters?

I just never wipe the chip fat off my face.It slowly migrates down the hairs to produce a glossy shine. Incidentally, I cut anything that grows on my face and head to 6mm.
Kill all hipsters. Diybry-have you got her number? I take it the bry is short for brycream. My boy uses some dapper dan type pomade product but I don't know if that's on his hair or beard. We're kind of not talking at the moment so I might not be able to get back to the OP on that. Sorry to be useless, again.
Lions don't shave their manes off, its a sign of sexual maturity, stop scraping your beard off to try and look like a boy!


How hard must you squeeze to extract beard oil?

And what do you do with it once your face fungus has yielded a batch?


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