
Banned Ramen

I reckon anything that devastating to the taste buds probably never goes off. You could probably eat it in a century 's time.
Either way, you'll probably get gut rot, in or out of date, so does it matter! 🙂
You are going to poach the lot in boiling water anyway, which deals with most everything.

So yes - go for it & tell us what cheap ramen with added pure capcasin does to you - just remember to put the loo roll in the fridge before the attempt ;)
I think I’ll wait until the weekend. I’m not that desperate for something to eat just yet.
We eat this all the time, there is also a new buldak dumpling, which is yummy.
Truth be told, the Buldak 3x spicy noodles are a throwback to Covid days. Everyone was isolating so we had to find a way to amuse ourselves over Zoom calls. Someone had the bright idea that we all take this spicy noodle challenge… and so we did. No surprises as to why I still have a packet in the cupboard. They’re amongst the spiciest things I’ve ever consumed though banning them is a bit harsh.
My son eats the Buldak x 3 and the other less hot variants without issue. With a chinese malaysian mum they’ve been well trained and their snack of choice is proper Asian brand noodles, for the big lad the hotter the better. He’s 15 1/2, 6ft tall with size 13 feet so it doesn’t seem to be doing him any harm.

I can’t go near them. They would kill me.
My son eats the Buldak x 3 and the other less hot variants without issue. With a chinese malaysian mum they’ve been well trained and their snack of choice is proper Asian brand noodles, for the big lad the hotter the better. He’s 15 1/2, 6ft tall with size 13 feet so it doesn’t seem to be doing him any harm.

I can’t go near them. They would kill me.

My mum is Chinese Malaysian too. :)

I can eat fairly spicy foods but I do find my tolerance levels waning as I get older!

I don’t think that eating ramen or even super spicy ramen is harmful per se. I’m just wondering if said ramen being 24 months out of date is harmful.

