
B&O are at it again...

Yeah, but you still watched it all?
Yes. There was a group of us, and we started to flag around the 3 hour mark (and that was with a couple of intermissions) but we stayed the course in the end. Musically not my cup of tea, but as theatre and a live music performance it is astonishing. Taylor Swift impresses as a writer, performer, for the sheer artistic ambition and the personal determination needed to make something like this not only happen, but succeed. Musically the songs mostly sounded too similar to stand out.
Only need to sell three to make money.
Limited edition of 200 worldwide. I imagine they'll be gone before this thread staggers to a halt.

Obviously come the revolution those 200 customers will be lined up against a wall and shot, thus triggering the s/h market for these into life.

This thread will be revived in 2045 when a centenarian pfm devotee finds one in a garden shed and seeks advice on servicing and spares.
I had advanced word that it was coming and I like it very much, but even I nearly fell off my seat when I saw the price!

I'm not wholly convinced by the aesthetics of the colour change to the 9000 unit but I've only seen pictures. I thought the same about the Beogram 4000c and it turned out to be absolutely stunning in the flesh.

Still, we love our original Beosound 9000 that Mrs. B went out and bought with her first ever work bonus. It was one of two audio-related events that occurred early on in our married life, that cemented my certainty that I'd married the right woman!
I can imagine the meeting where they discussed price "£20'000?, well, if someone will pay £20k they'll pay 25k, lets call it £25'000"
But if they'll pay £25k, they'll pay £30k" then after a few more rounds, they decided that £50k would be an utter piss take, so settled for £45k.

I wonder how cheap the "selected retailers" buy them for... I be there will be a large mark up. That's why I like the idea of Jay's Audio and ANK kits.... I feel its the best way to get maximum bang for my bucks.
"Their early work was a little too new wave for my taste. But when Sports came out in '83, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He's been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Huey has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor."
I can imagine the meeting where they discussed price "£20'000?, well, if someone will pay £20k they'll pay 25k, lets call it £25'000"
But if they'll pay £25k, they'll pay £30k" then after a few more rounds, they decided that £50k would be an utter piss take, so settled for £45k.

I wonder how cheap the "selected retailers" buy them for... I be there will be a large mark up. That's why I like the idea of Jay's Audio and ANK kits.... I feel its the best way to get maximum bang for my bucks.
Historically I understand there's not nearly as chunky a margin on B&O (for retailers) as one might think. Bit like Sony Centres, which people assumed were a license to print money, but actually Sony's dealer margins were generally pretty crap compared to most of the other Japanese brands.

Holding up Jay's and ANK as paradigms of modesty, though? Try their prices out on the man in the street. I don't recall PQ being shy when it comes to updating the AN UK price list either.
Historically I understand there's not nearly as chunky a margin on B&O (for retailers) as one might think. Bit like Sony Centres, which people assumed were a license to print money, but actually Sony's dealer margins were generally pretty crap compared to most of the other Japanese brands.

Holding up Jay's and ANK as paradigms of modesty, though? Try their prices out on the man in the street. I don't recall PQ being shy when it comes to updating the AN UK price list either.

A fair point regarding Audio Note prices, I do feel the fact that they manufacture components which will add to their cost goes somewhere to justify the prices.

Whoever buys these B&O systems obviously wont be hifi geeks / music lovers like us, and they'll be happy with it no doubt. Shame they wouldnt think of tying a proper hifi!
Only 6 CD’s :oops:

surely a mechanism could be devised which moved the CD rather than the player allowing far more CD’s - thinking juke box here 😂
B&O has never impressed me sq wise. I've had a couple of colleagues and neighbours who bought into it, forcing me to lie politely.
Stylish maybe, but IME overpriced.

When I was doing Career Guidance with adults, I had a client who was about 25 years old and being made looking for job/ training ideas and info.
He said he was getting a big pay off and planning to buy a B&O system. He then quite literally went all misty eyed as he whispered. "The Rolls Royce of H-Fi..."
I asked him why he thought that and he seemed shocked. "Everyone knows it's the best..even better than Technics!. "
I was hard put to keep a straight face.
Not interested in British Hi Fi then?
"What British Hi Fi?"
"Oh...Rega, Linn, Naim, Meridian, Cyrus, Exposure, Arcam, QUAD etc. .etc..or some top end Japanese or American stuff.."
He looked blank.
I showed him my copy of HiFi World and suggested he look at it and other mags and visit a few dealers before committing his money.
No idea what he ended up with...
What a joke. They no longer have a clue how to make a decent HiFi system so they retread an old one.
Pretty much like the film industry with sequel after sequel of previous successes!
I would need those 6 CDs as I don't have any now. This is seriously missing the mark. Another cash grab like the naim record player or the linn designed by Ive.

