
Audiophile pomposity/verbosity

"She doesn't even like the hifi and I have to sneak things in, all in white - but she's got a very good ear"

audiophile cliché 5000
There are a couple of members on other forums I shall not name that regularly buy and sell on gear and say they loved it but their wife/partner/other half has told them they can't keep it. Oddly enough they also put a nice mark up on said piece of kit.
You cannot use random words to describe sonic attributes, there needs to be a common lexicon of audio terms that is know by all.

Otherwise it's as if people are talking in different languages and each individual has no clue of what the others are referring to.
Not random. Different.
The bows of string instruments rely on having rosin applied to the bow. Without it, the bow doesn’t energise the strings when you pull it across them. The more rosin you apply, the more the strings can be energised by the bow, and the more you get the ‘fizzy’ timbre which is the sound of the string being vibrated by the strings of the bow. It’s not a stupid descriptive term once you know how to apply it.

Cool... thanks for that.

Never claimed it was stupid... more, as it turns out, that I am stupider than I thought!!!!

The pompous will write pompous reviews and the rest of us will have a good laugh at it. It's the perfect system when you think about it. The pompous will continue to think that they are the musical elite, the of us will enjoy laughing at them and it all helps to keep pfm going. Winners all round.
You will always be labelled. The point of this thread is to shut down subjective evaluation altogether. The Newspeak dictionary had a similar purpose.

Only measurements count.
No, it's really not. And you saying it is doesn't make it so. What has entailed, I think, is a healthly exchange of views as to the expression and substance of individuals feelings about HiFi equipment and whether the misuse of a sophisticated vocabulary to describe those feelings says more about the pomposity of the writer than it does the merits of the equipment itself.
Probably 70-80 decibels. My system sounds very clean at high levels so I have to keep checking in case I get carried away.
I'm sure you realise, but a reminder that 80dB is twice as loud as 70dB : )

There was a thread a while back about how loud people played their hi-fis and I was kind of surprised. Unless someone has had their home sound proofed or lives in a detached house it does seem like it would be audible to their neighbours.
I'm sure you realise, but a reminder that 80dB is twice as loud as 70dB : )

There was a thread a while back about how loud people played their hi-fis and I was kind of surprised. Unless someone has had their home sound proofed or lives in a detached house it does seem like it would be audible to their neighbours.
Yeah. I only listen at certain times, never late at night.
I'm sure you realise, but a reminder that 80dB is twice as loud as 70dB : )

There was a thread a while back about how loud people played their hi-fis and I was kind of surprised. Unless someone has had their home sound proofed or lives in a detached house it does seem like it would be audible to their neighbours.
I hear the neighbours sometimes and they may hear my music sometimes. I just don't play loud at antisocial hours. If you buy a non-detached property you know you will hear your neighbours at times, you just hope they're decent people and consider others.
It behoves me to assert, albeit rather perfunctorily, that pomposity may be an external manifestation of a fundamental, perhaps a priori, insufficiency of self-confidence in the correspondent. Suum cuique.

As an occasional record reviewer, I feel for those that have to review audio equipment as, unlike records, most of it sounds exactly the bloody same. Coming up with new ways of saying the same thing over and over again must be both dispiriting and difficult.
Many years ago I found myself having lunch in a pub, close to the Tannoy factory, in the company of the then MD of Tannoy, a couple of other senior managers and HiFi World reviewer, Eric Braithwaite.
I asked Eric directly.. "How do you find the words to describe so many bits of audio kit?" His reply.... "I'm a journalist". Very honest I thought.

Back then, it seemed to me that the mission of certain mags, notably HFN/RR and some of their journos, was to deny the existence of anything worthwhile that mere mortals could possibly afford.
I bought an Aiwa ADF- 810 twin head tape deck for £200 which I thought was wonderful when properly 'tuned' to a good tape, my favourite being TDK-AR.
One of said journos 'dissed' the Aiwa as 'papery' sounding. I still have no idea what that means .
I'm still trying to benefit from the 'warm sound'. Bloody cold in the listening room.

'Warm sound' = [I use class A amplifier or valve-based amplification]
'Cool amplifier' = [I use class D amplifiers]
synergy = components work as they were intended!
I like the fact that people try to describe the complexities of what they listen to.
I'm going with nice tone..and not so nice tone.
I'm listening to an old mono recording of Beethoven string quartet ( opus 59 ) through my phono stage set to mono I think this recording sounds medium..or maybe fair to middling?
A nice tone...

