
Audio Detail solid state rectifier in Ming Da MC7R

Big John

pfm Member
Since the beginning of the year I have been "Tube Rolling" some unusual tubes/valves in my all valve system. I have put Russian tubes in all my equipment mostly using valve socket savers converted by me into adapters because the available adapters do not "earth/ground" the screen (pin 9) of most Russian valves allowing hum, these run on @ 6.3v only.

I have even put 6CG7 (TV) tubes in my Rogue Atlas Magnum as driver tubes I had contacted Rogue who told me the that 6CG7's @ 600mA twice the draw of a 12AU7 (ECC82) could not sensibly be used.

It occurred to me that as I would have needed to make an adapter to use the 6CG7, why not add 2 wires ie + & - to pins 4 & 5 removing the external pins. I connected via a switch a small lead acid 6v 12Ah alarm battery (6.3v).

All of these swaps worked spectacularly well, I thought the icing on the cake was visiting Mark (The Ming) Manwaring-White in Malvern; Mark is Ming Da UK he converted my Ming Da MC7R valve compliment to fully regulated DC, and tested it for some hours running a pair of valves each drawing 750-800mA to make sure there was no overheating there was not. There is now no discernible hum or valve noise.

Mark had a new toy a valve tester thankfully all my valves tested NOS except the 274b rectifier which was about 20% down. I said I had read & been PM'd on another forum about the successful use of a Weber Copper Cap solid state rectifier it's used in the Responce Audio Reference MC7R . Mark told me he would see what he could do.

Since the Malvern visit some weeks ago I have been enjoying the best sounds I have ever had until today, a parcel arrived post marked Malvern inside was an Audio Detail ( Mark is also Audio Detail) solid state rectifier, I put it in and powered up, the bass slightly deeper but less "flabby" with more detail mids more detail at the same time more natural as was the treble more detail but sweeter, I believe it is the best £20 + postage I have ever spent on my sound system, I have been listening all day album after album from "Wish you were here" to Brubeck, Mahler & Beethoven.

I have no financial connection to M Manwaring-White only as a very satisfied customer.

