
Arcam Alpha 3, Rotel RX-930AX, Alpha 7se


pfm Member
Having a clear out of stuff from the in-laws, this is a set of components which are looking for a new home:


The Alpha 7se was well regarded in it's day, i've tried it with CDRs and it seems to read these so with any luck the laser is still good, and it makes sounds so chances are the internals are good. I've not found a remote for it.

The tuner has lost its front panel graphics above the power button, but apart from that seems to work ok. There is some hum from the transformer, not terrible, but I thought i'd mention this. I think i know where the AM antenna is for it.

The amp seems to work well, but it's clearly been left above something hot (like a radiator or something) as the feet on the bottom had turned into sticky gloop, and the control knobs are discoloured. Looking inside it looks fine though, and driving test signals through it, all appears well.

Ideally would be collected from Hove. Charity and amount, i'll leave up to the individual to decide.

