
Another "bad 'un" for Cressida?

"In 2018 he was knighted after leading the national police response to the Manchester Arena bombing, the Westminster Bridge attack and the London Bridge attack."

Safe pair of hands, if you know what I mean.
Problem now with the police is they take on a lot of people who are not that bright or marred by thug culture. It's not everyone, but you find more and more are simpleton-thugs. And when that sort of person has power you're done for. I was arrested in 2021 for stopping the council (or the blockheads they'd hired) from walking around in the garden and actually cutting down a tree! Then when I confronted them one of them grabbed my throat. I refrained from hitting him, only throwing him into the rosebushes, because I'm a foreigner and it doesn't go down well.

This character and his pals then phoned the police and said I threatened to stab him. Police came, no listening, just instant rough arrest. Didn't matter that my neck was full of scratches and the other was unscathed. I was in a cell for 8 hours. Then the next day they were at it again and before I had chance do anything they'd phoned the police and I was arrested again! This time I'd threatened to "cut his heart out". On the way in the car I said I was not a teenager and a bit past wanting to get into random fights and the pig in the back said: "yeah, but we're keep calm". Unbelievable. I just laughed in his face and called him a 'true professional'.

In any case I won this case after a few months of nasty stress (also got my fees back), but this was all swept under the carpet. Rap on the fingers for someone making a false allegation and lying in court. The complaint against the police disappeared - they only phoned the solicitor after 6 hours, the solicitor himself testified to this. The police lied and said they'd been ringing round and he was the last one. Actually he was their first choice duty solicitor, good bloke too. They also denied not giving me a drink or anything for 8 hours and trying to pressurise me to give a statement without a solicitor.

Rotten system. Pigs most of all.
Having been the victim of police assault and wrongful arrest almost 50 years ago (not adjudicated but did get a verbal apology) I'm not in the least surprised to hear of these events.
While still a teenager living with my parents an intruder got in the house through an unlocked patio door, luckily my dad heard them and went stomping down the stairs shouting at me to follow and they promptly legged it.

When PC Plod arrived he seemed to decide I was the main suspect (punky looking so obviously a criminal) and when I confessed to having a drink in a pub in town with my girlfriend the previous week (a pub frequented by the OB) that was all he needed to construct the theory I'd set it up with an accomplice to leave the door open and have my own house robbed while I was in it. The guy was as thick as shit and I think my dad's opinion of the police went down a bit after that.
Occasionally I will prosecute a relatively straight forward Crown Court case where one of the PC's have been given the role of office in the case, i.e the officer responsible for the investigation and all disclosure issues. Usually this is a role performed by a detective and often a senior one. Invariably they make a complete hash of the case and are hell bent on proving a defendant's guilt rather than impartially investigating. After all the evidence has been called I tell them that I realise that they are required back on the streets but beg them to stay so that they can hear speeches from both sides and a summing up from the Judge as these statements will touch on 'how things should be done.' Invariably they say that they are too busy to hang around. I despair.
Under resourced, not enough quality supervision, poor complaints follow up, defensive culture, little public trust, crap hours, terrible media coverage. Dreadful working conditions. I have zero love for substandard Cops but it’s pretty easy to see how a bunker mentality is baked in when undermined by friends and foe alike. The question really is how to resuscitate a vital service, After all , who else can the average person call in an emergency?
The Met is a bit different as they answer to 2 masters, both highly politicised. The tone of policing is set by the Police and Crime Commissioners they are chosen by by election but tend to be on Party lines.
So we have the usual Party political crap and funding issues, usually cyclical. This subject needs urgent attention as the manifold recent issues and the examples shown in this thread show. Poor oversight of Policing equals lousy justice which is the absolute bedrock of a civil society. This is of course without mentioning the Magistrates Court system which has huge baked in issues - read ‘The Secret Barrister’ I got halfway through and stopped because it was too depressing.
That’s like something from a ‘60s crime caper movie. I’m glad the boys in blue can be trusted to mind the Crown Jewels but it doesn’t really compensate for all the other stuff.
The Police also employ female and transgenders officers and staff. The DI in the release I know well.
The one who arrested me on the second time was a female officer. A right cow too. Looked like she ate Turinabol for breakfast.

There was one single officer who listened to find out what might have gone on. He was the one who noticed scratches all over my neck even before I did. He took a photo on his phone and entered it into evidence. In fact it did a lot of good for the case.
"In 2018 he was knighted after leading the national police response to the Manchester Arena bombing, the Westminster Bridge attack and the London Bridge attack."

Safe pair of hands, if you know what I mean.
I don't. In what way ?
Sadly, and unsurprisingly, this Met scumbag not even dismissed!
It's clearly hugely inappropriate in a work setting, but context is worth bearing in mind. If you transfer the scenario to a pub or a night club, and what he said could easily be just a cheeky chat up line that the boys would use ('I'm a copper and I'd love to take you into custody and give you a good searching') without giving offence. If you accept that, then the crime here could be viewed as one of inappropriateness, an inability to recognise that the behaviour wasn't suitable for the setting rather than anything more sinister. He's a muppet and an embarrassment to the uniform, and definitely deserves severe discipline to teach him the lesson he should have learned by himself, but it's a bit of a leap to paint him as a potential Wayne Couzens on the basis of what is reported there.
No doubt The Met appreciates their apologists efforts. Anyway, less Cressida and more dick:


(from Private Eye 1580)

