
Animal abuser becomes patron of RSPCA

To the untrained eye, the observer sees an Eastern chipmunk (Tamias striatus) gathering a peanut, which he stores in his cache underground, but to the trained eye, the observer sees chippy playing a cut from Saxophone Colossus to his buds in the forest.


Animals don't think.
Do You?

Just what I said. Animals are incapable of rational thought. They (with the exception of a couple of particular types of chimpanzee) have no sense of self. The do not think. They react, or behave instinctively, that's it.
You are SO wrong.

There is a pony called "Drum" I see regularly on one of my back street public pathways,
I call out, "Hello Drum" she looks up across her paddock and stamps her right front hoof twice on the ground.

She has a delightful personality!
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the man loves romania and has property there and yet
`While the municipalities are legally obliged to assign funds to stray animal management programmes, decision-makers often lack the expertise and will to set up these programmes effectively and efficiently. Sadly, the killing of strays is still legal and frequently practised to reduce overpopulation: without lasting results but with enormous suffering. Also, inhumane housing in public and private shelters is continuously employed as a quick fix to dealing with the issue. The unwanted dogs often end up in these places and either live out their lives in deplorable conditions with very little hope of ever being adopted or are euthanised.
Just what I said. Animals are incapable of rational thought. They (with the exception of a couple of particular types of chimpanzee) have no sense of self. The do not think. They react, or behave instinctively, that's it.
You can't have had, a one to one, with an animal then. No, it's not euphemism
I sincerely hope Charles Windsor survives cancer. 20 more years of his bumbling mix of yoghurt weaving and blood sports should significantly cripple the institution of British monarchy better than anything else in my lifetime.
If you have doubts whether a chimpanzee (or researcher) can think, watch this short video.

If the counter argument after watching this is that the chimp is pretending to learn and think — just going through the motions — then you've (a) missed the point and (b) just admitted implicitly that the chimp must be thinking since pretending is a form of thinking.

My dog, god rest him, was unbelievably intelligent so much so we had to spell certain words, his vocabulary or learned vocabulary was amazing, he knew the word toy and reacted when he heard it he also knew when my SIL texted to say he was coming to take Rocco out, he reacted to the text alert he knew the word sausage, chicken, steak, bed you name it.

God I miss him.

