
Anglesey - worth a visit?

If you and your wife are Howard & Hilda from Ever Decreasing Circles and wear matching brown knitwear and tow a caravan everywhere you go, stopping in lay-bys and setting up deckchairs and a picnic table to drink tea from a flask and eat sandwiches that you brought along in labelled Tupperware, then it's the place for you.

If you are not, then, No.
All depends on what you like, Anglesey has a fair bit of Neolithic sites of interest and opening up Julian Cope's The Modern Antiquarian reveals a few sites worth popping in on. The best Standing Stones, Burial Chambers, Cromlechs, Dolmens and Passage Graves are all doable on a brisk day. Probably worth factoring in for a day on a trip to a few megalithic and burial mound sites in that region, if you like tramping about fields and generally gawping at old stuff.

I do admire Cope's enthusiasm for his subject and it does spark an interest in me to go and look at some of these ancient sites.
If you and your wife are Howard & Hilda from Ever Decreasing Circles and wear matching brown knitwear and tow a caravan everywhere you go, stopping in lay-bys and setting up deckchairs and a picnic table to drink tea from a flask and eat sandwiches that you brought along in labelled Tupperware, then it's the place for you.

If you are not, then, No.

Not yet! but it won't be long . . .:eek:
I live on Anglesey and I wouldn't live anywhere else, obviously David Ellwood went to Holyhead, missed the rest and lacks the intellect to appreciate the true beauty of the island.

What is there? Surfing (Kite, wind, traditional) walking, climbing, diving, fishing, the best beaches in the UK, wild life (including red squirrels), history (ancient to modern), arts. OK we miss out on the nightlife and shopping but if that's your thing go to London!.

If you want anymore specific info please PM me
Do you have a Furniture Village there?

I live in Brighton. It's full of Gays.

I was only being playful Dino. :) It would bore me to death, but we are not all alike, and there are some places I would like to live that are still the cause of disagreements with my wife. If I won the lottery the only place we can agree on moving to is San Fransisco, but that really isn't going to happen.
Gave Anglesey a very brief visit this weekend, left Mcr about 2pm on saturday and stayed over for saturday night in a hotel and got home early sunday evening (2 hour drive - not too bad).

First impressions - some fabulous beaches and countryside all framed by Snowdonia in the distance, I liked it.

Rushed around like mad in the short time we had this weekend and managed to take a peak at Trearddur Bay, Rhosneigr, Cemaes, Porth Tywyn-Mawr, Moelfre, Red Wharf Bay and a couple of other beaches that we just pulled up at as we were driving.
what makes a destination apart from the scenery is the people.

And the people of anglesey are depressed and miserable.

Teenage pregnancy seems popular though! never seen so many thirteen year olds pushing prams.

The obvious riposte is "so would you be if you had to live in Anglesey".

It really does not have a lot going for it IMHO.

Yep, if you think of a Bruegel painting then you have Anglessey. If you're not under 18 and pushing a triple buggy you almost look out of place.
I find Anglesey a lovely place to visit, it has a fresh relaxed holiday feel about the place, it's not too big, so you can visit several places and see things others have already posted,

We had a lovely stay in a b+b in Benllech Bay and camping in Red Wharf bay where we have had a lovely meal in The Boathouse and a smashing pint in The Ship.

I always make a point of having fresh Anglesey crab, delicious.

We quite like the place.

regards Al
The obvious riposte is "so would you be if you had to live in Anglesey".

It really does not have a lot going for it IMHO.


Yup, no Bluewater, no multi-storey carparks, no vast acres of delapidated brownfield sites like proper civilised conurbations have. Must be hell.

