
And the record for the ugliest amp ... goes to Hi Fi rose !!


Is there anything uglier than this? I can't even look at the LFDs. They sound great but they are to throw a sweaty sock at them.

I hope they don't stone me.
Not my cup of tea. The Hifi Rose streamer is similar, it has a gigantic screen on the front which is just a big tease because the GUI is awful and looks like an iPhone from 15 years ago.
Volume control is interesting. Is it actually working as gear box or just for a show? There is so many complaints about limited turning range and difficulties to fine adjust volume. Gear box would be great solution.
Volume control is interesting. Is it actually working as gear box or just for a show? There is so many complaints about limited turning range and difficulties to fine adjust volume. Gear box would be great solution.

It’ll step down the effect of turning the large dial, sure. As I suggested earlier, the tuning dial on many Tivoli radios is an obvious example of the same ‘planetary’ adjustment, and presumably some amplifiers already have this kind of volume control. Whether or not it’s worthwhile having depends on the kind of volume pot the amp has, I guess.
8500 people bought the £4k RS250 Streamer in its 1st year & ready market for the matching amp

4 Mono Amplifiers - 200/400 or 800wpc bridged
A/B 2 sets of speakers or Biamping or built in active crossover

TheTim De Paravicini Hi-Fi News HFN009 headphone amp is proper ugly - think sticky-backed plastic shoe box with a knob at the front.

All of his (RIP) amps would probably feature highly on my list of ugliest hi-fi. They look like an electronics nerd designed them…
I think they hit it perfectly and, like Nagra gear, it's hideous.

The Nagra looks better than the Hifi Rose to me. The front looks cleaner with less clutter. The material of the case also looks higher quality with a polished look. The Hifi Rose looks crude and the case looks like cheap recycled metal.



Looked front-on the Rose looks like a Trigonometry set you’d get in your Christmas stocking for school work whereas the Nagra looks like the beginning of the CB radio craze for those old enough to remember. But beauty in the eye of the beholder and all that…
The perfect amplifier style and interface was arrived at decades ago. It is a mystery to me why any manufacturer, including and especially Naim, would depart in any way from the thing done absolutely right:
The Nagra design ethic comes from it fitting in a leather case and being able to access the controls from it slung over ones shoulder whilst field recording. I always wanted one of these babies from Marantz...

