
Amp history / progression..?


Inspired by the speaker history thread, I thought I'd ask a similar question but with amps, be they integrated or pre/power combinations; I'd love to know your favourite too, I'll mark mine with an asterisk. Could be a useful reference for others if patterns form.

My list is pretty short:

-Marantz Pm47
-Arcam A85
-Cambridge Audio Azur 840a
-Rega Elicit R (significant improvement and learning experience)
-LSA Standard Hybrid
-The same LSA Standard Hybrid, but spent a grand getting it modified to somewhere between signature and statement level, with better parts and active load system etc. This my favourite amp by a long shot. Rolled a load of tubes and settled on some Telefunken 60's pair, although some English made Tungsrams I have sound just as good.

I actually auditioned some speakers from the line above my own on NAIM gear and thought my own amp/speakers sounded better, especially in the bass and overal detail. These things are cheap on the second hand market too. Highly recommended if you can get it past the wife.

1985 Yamaha A320
1987 Mission Cyrus 2
1988 Naim Nait 1
1989 Naim Nait 2

Still use the Nait 2 Today, looking to update my system to 300/500, but won't be making the same mistake I did with Nait 1, I will be keeping my Nait 2)
Great idea and it's relevant to me as I'm in line for an amp upgrade, being on the lowly A85 rung at the moment. Maybe I should upgrade to Elicit-R, or straight to LSA standard hybrid, except I don't even know what that is!

Mine is something like:

Realistic quadrophonic amp (old amp from car boot sale when I was about 10)
Amstrad hand me down amp
Heathkit valve amp (another hand me down!) - used to warm up the room :)
Leak amp and tuner (another hand me down!) - this had a great sound
Large power amp I designed and built myself, but was a bit of a hazard, being uncased!
NAD 302 - first amp I purchased new, with some Gale speakers
Creek 4140 amp - loved the sound of this but it was unreliable
Arcam A85

and on to candidates such as CA 851 W, Elicit-R, Quad 909 perhaps...
Nad 3020i- love it and still have it in a modified version
Audiolab 8000S - powerful but too analitic
Naim Nait 5i - good allrounder
Rega Brio R - cute but ok ish
Puresound A10 - best sounding amp in my system
Nait 2 - the most fun amp to listen to
Naim Unitiqute - cute but not as fun as the Nait 2.
Amptastic - interesting but very sharp highs
Exposure XXV - excellent amp but did not gel very well with my Ushers
Temple Audio monoblock - powerhouse
Naim Nait 2 (again) - what can I say? It is fun and I love it!
Alright then.........
Started out with a Rotel 820bx I think it was, circa 82/83 ish
Then got on the Naim ladder, starting with a 32.5/110
Progressing through a 140, then 180, a 282/250.
Along with all the *caps that were supposed to blow my socks off.....
Dabbled with Avondale for a time & was impressed with their TPX's & M130 amps.
About 5 years or so ago, Sold all that lot for my Graaf GM50 & haven't had the upgrade-itis itch since.
Although lottery winnings would likely fund something with Vitus Audio written on the front!
My first proper amp was a Pioneer SA-9800, bought new in 1981. I didn't really understand music then, but the fluoroscan power meters and countless knobs were impressive.

Next up was a Musical Fidelity A-100 in late 80s. I'd always wanted something class A, and by then had grown tired of flashing lights and twiddly knobs. It sounded mellifluous, but didn't last more than a few of years before it self-combusted.

My first real mistake was a McLaren A-150b in early 90s. It was pants, and I lost interest in music for a while. I was also a new dad, so I had other far more important distractions.

I moved into a new and bigger house in the mid 90s. A succession of Naim amps came and went; starting with 102/180 and culminating with 52/135s. They showed real insight into music, but I couldn't get off the upgrade ladder. It got ridiculous when I borrowed money to buy the next fix.

In 2005, I switched to Densen B250/350s and got a chunk of change selling the Naims. Densen promised all the air-guitar factor but none of the baggage associated with Naim. I still have these.

Most recently, I found and restored a Pioneer C-21/M-22 combo. They are now used with the Densen B-350s in a semi-active set-up. I also have a Naim NAIT2 as a back-up and reference of what's musically important.
My first proper amp was a Pioneer SA-9800, bought new in 1981. I didn't really understand music then, but the fluoroscan power meters and countless knobs were impressive.

Next up was a Musical Fidelity A-100 in late 80s. I'd always wanted something class A, and by then had grown tired of flashing lights and twiddly knobs. It sounded mellifluous, but didn't last more than a few of years before it self-combusted.

My first real mistake was a McLaren A-150b in early 90s. It was pants, and I lost interest in music for a while. I was also a new dad, so I had other far more important distractions.

I moved into a new and bigger house in the mid 90s. A succession of Naim amps came and went; starting with 102/180 and culminating with 52/135s. They showed real insight into music, but I couldn't get off the upgrade ladder. It got ridiculous when I borrowed money to buy the next fix.

In 2005, I switched to Densen B250/350s and got a chunk of change selling the Naims. Densen promised all the air-guitar factor but none of the baggage associated with Naim. I still have these.

Most recently, I found and restored a Pioneer C-21/M-22 combo. They are now used with the Densen B-350s in a semi-active set-up. I also have a Naim NAIT2 as a back-up and reference of what's musically important.

I love everything about this last paragraph.
NAD 3020A
Inca Tech Claymore (still in use approx 25 years on !!)
Linn Kairn/LK280/Spark
Linn Kairn/Klout(s)
Linn AV5103/AV5125/2250
Linn Kinos/2250(s)
Linn Klimax Kontrol/Klimax Chakra Twin
Linn Klimax Kontrol/Klimax Solo
NAD 3020
Rotel RC850/RB850
Rotel RC850/2x RB850
Rotel RC850/3x RB850
Linn LK1/3x RB850
Meridian 541/5x RB850
Meridian 541/6x RB850
Meridian 541/4x Cyrus 8 Power & 4x Cyrus PSX-R & Cyrus SmartPower (bad, bad move, glad it was all secondhand and could sell it for pretty much what I paid for them after a good 6 months of collecting on ebay)
Meridian 541/6x RB850
Meridian 541/2x Linn AV5125 & 1x RB850
Linn AV5103/2x Linn AV5215 & 1x RB850
Linn Akurate Kontrol/0/D / 2x Linn C5100/D & M6100/D
Linn Klimax Kontrol/1/D / Linn Akurate Kontrol/0/D (tv & bd only) / 2x Linn C5100/D & M6100/D
I'll miss out the AV amps which I had to start with.

Technics SU-V470
Arcam Alpha 8
Arcam A28
Arcam A38
Krell KAV400
Musical Fidelity M6i
Hypex ncore NC400
Another tranny
A better tranny (Quad)
A better tranny Quad
Other trannys

Job done. for 7 years or so now.

I still use a modified 405, sounds great, and a Nytech that's very good, in second system roles elsewhere in the house.
Nad 3020
Exposure X
Naim 62/110
Icon PS3/Naim 250
32.5/Mono 110s
Now:- Nad M3 system One. Exposure X system Two.

20 Years later and full circle.
1988 - Audiolab 8000A;
1993 - Naim NAC82/2Hicaps/2x135s;
Currently - Jeff Rowland Continuum S2 integrated, MBL Corona C51 integrated and Accuphase C2420/A46 pre power.
My most preferred of the three is the Rowland.
All bought new, I still have the Quads and Exposures in my used pile, still working I think.

Leak Stereo 30+
Cambridge P50
Quad 33/303 (then Quad 34, them MF Preamp)
Exposure VI, VII, VIII
ATC SIA2 150 Integrated

I have no plans to change the ATC.
ITT ST20 music centre

Cyrus One

Quad 34/306 (result of a lot of comparative listening, beating all others)

Michell Argo/Quad 306 (back in the upgrade game ...)

DIY pre/LFD PA0 (sold the Quads to fund this :-( )

Michell Orca/Alecto Stereo

Lyngdorf TDA2170
interesting to see many people starting with an early NAD. A slice of honest hi-fi in a reliable and affordable package :)

