
Amp for Quad ESL989s

I believe that with regard to repairing the 'modern type stats, OTA refurbish the original panels rather than replacing them with new. I imagine the key operation involved here is a 're-glueing' procedure.
I recently acquired a pair of Quad ESL989 speakers and I am currently driving them with a pair of Quad II monoblocks which are 15W per channel. I borrowed a friend's solid state Hafler220 which I felt sounded better and as a result I now feel I need to improve on my Quads. Does anybody here have experience of 989's and amps that worked well with them?

All advice greatly appreciated.

Are the quads on the right impedance? setting its a soldering iron job to alter it.

I am using DIY/ Pass aleph J (joe henry )Monoblocks.
They are a single ended and a j-fet design.
My 57s have never sounded better also works excellent with impulse taus.

This chap also like them also
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