
Amp Appearance thread

VU meters seem to be the golden thread. The blue VU's on the McIntosh I had at the time elicited a rare positive comment from my wife - there may be a WAF/VU thing. One of the reasons I miss those Squeezebox 2's. But having the VU's on likely contributed to the death of the display. They were bluey green magnificence while they lasted. Real VU's then FTW.
I'm surprised to see on that forum anyone offering their own opinion without checking with their God, the owner of the site, first to check that its ok. Gosh, it must be one of those days where he has allowed them to 'express' themselves, like the no uniform day at school.
The arch subjectivist and arch objectivist are two cheeks of the same arse.
Personally I’ve learned more on that forum than I could ever have hoped,certainly stops you wanting that shiny box which does nothing.

You’ve learned what he wants you to learn :)
I’ve learnt from many sources,question everything and see proof,most important lesson tho, never believe the man who sells stuff which he claims can let me hear fairy’s singing at the bottom of the garden but offers no proof 👂

Your bow to Amir and his cult has been acknowledged as previous.
I'm not a fan of VU meters on amps as I can't really see the point of them. I can understand why a group which appears to mainly rely on techie stats as their measure of equipment might prefer a tech touch like that, and like there being loads of buttons, switches and dials, though.
There's a few horrors there! Not my cup of tea but beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
My Dunlap Clarke power amp has meters, I took the bulbs out! Yes bulbs! It was made in the 70's.

The amp in question is my profile picture.
I‘ve only got through the first eight pages or so, but I guess it is a predominantly US userbase? Loads of ugly late-period McIntosh bling etc.

My choices, somewhat predictably I guess, would be vintage Quad, Leak, Lecson, Meridian, some of the better 1970s Japanese silver-face receivers, B&O, Nakamichi, Yamaha, chrome-bumper Naim, AirTight, very early Audio Research, Levinson, Krell etc. The stuff that could sit next to Bauhaus, Dieter Rams etc in a design museum. Form crafted from a deep understanding of function. Everything in its right place.

I struggle to think of much from this century I view as genuinely good aesthetic or ergonomic design.
Musical Fidelity B1, from the front only though.
Looks cheap, cheerful and functional all in one go.
Mine still sounds bloody good after 35 years too.

