
America doesn’t learn

I think this is correct. The intention was that if a government turned rogue then the public would rise up in militias, seize power and call the miscreants to account. Meanwhile back in the real world do we imagine that a few good ol' boys, with MI-15s or not, could defeat the US Army? Now OK, the Vietcong did a pretty good job but to be fair that was an away game and the pitch was in poor condition.

We all know what the solution is, we all know that while senators are being funded by the NRA it will never happen. It'san American problem for Americans to solve. If they can tolerate a school shooting every few months, and it seems that they can, who are we to argue?

What it also does is bring the USA 'money for votes' bribery, or 'support for your election opponent' blackmail system into clear focus. AIPAC controls Israel/ME policy the same way. Quite how people think this kind of 'democracy for sale' is superior escapes me. Not saying UK is much better with the biased media induced hysteria.
Yes, based on that NYT article, it's not so much direct political donations that the NRA use for influence, rather it seems funded campaigns for their selected candidates - ones who support the NRA mindset & widespread public negative scoring of politicians who want gun control

A similar public shaming of those who financially support the NRA should be instigated - use bully tactics against bullies
The second amendment is in the constitution which came about following independence from Britain. My understanding was that the right to bear arms was so that US citizens could not be subject to a draconian government again.

That's likely, although I wonder to what extent it was the drafters worrying about their indivudual states and positions rather than the 'people'. Bear in mind that at the time the 'people' didn't mean everyone. e.g. not those with a black skin or American Natives.

But the reality is that the USA has had standing established forces for a long time now. And as has been said, I doubt a few 'John Waynes' would get very far by force. More likely they'd elect an idiot as president... Oh, hang on!

But even there, they people who produced the consitution also carefully arranged that in political terms doing anything about anything is almost impossible. The way they put together the rules for the President, Senators, Judges, State legislatures, etc, means they almost all have to sing from the same sing-sheet to get anything done - only to find someone else can break it soon after.

That may be why the USA is still stuck with their version of "English blokes all have to keep in practice with a longbow, just in case".
What it also does is bring the USA 'money for votes' bribery, or 'support for your election opponent' blackmail system into clear focus. AIPAC controls Israel/ME policy the same way. Quite how people think this kind of 'democracy for sale' is superior escapes me. Not saying UK is much better with the biased media induced hysteria.

It is more indirect in the UK. Partly out in the open - as per the newspapers spouting biassed drivel and 'monstering' politicians their owners dislike. Partly via the hidden influencers - special advisors paid for by big business, paying MPs for 'part time work', taking ex-Civil Servants into cushy well-paid jobs once they've done things the companies wanted, etc. as per Private Eye ad naus.
I think this is correct. The intention was that if a government turned rogue then the public would rise up in militias, seize power and call the miscreants to account.

It's actually completely wrong. The original intention was that the USA would be like Switzerland was to become, a country without a standing army. What the Founding Fathers envisaged as their fighting force was a continuation of the Minutemen

armed citizens ready to put down their tools and take up their guns at a minute's notice. However, the USA found that it didn't work - constant conflict with native Americans as the young USA expanded necessitated a standing army. The Minutemen idea gradually morphed into the present-day National Guard.
It doesn't stop people like the 3 percenters from thinking that they are the last bastion of a free America who stand up to a tyrannical gubmint.
Alas, the reaction may demonstrate that they agree with Chairman Mao about solving problems via the barrel of a gun! Cold dead hands, etc.

Chairman Mao, like many politicians, was speaking for effect with no regard for accuracy. As leader of a ginormous cult of personality, he knew well that what counted was the *beliefs and loyalty* of the force with guns.

No American was ever born believing that their freedom and happiness depended on owning guns. This idea has been promoted and incultated, on purpose.
Utterly bonkers video advertisement from the NRA here, virtually calling for war against anyone who is against Trump and the NRA:

Straight out of the CHAOS rulebook.

That NRA spokesperson is a bonafide sociopath. Apparently, she started arming herself after receiving a threat from a listener to her former CNN radio show (following her commenting that it was ok for American soldiers to urinate on Taliban corpses, after which CNN decided to distance itself from her rantings).

What You Should Know About NRA Spokesperson Dana Loesch
Imagine if it really goes tits up in the good old US of A , that woman will have a smile so wide i think Trumps ego might fit inside.
Good article here by a teacher and former marine

"Suddenly, there was a loud bang outside. Everyone froze, until we realized it was a campus utility truck backing up to a loading dock. Then the students relaxed again.
But I spent the next few minutes before class thinking about whether the windows opened fully and would enable 20 kids to escape an active shooter. I checked: They did not open at all. I noticed to my dismay that the door to the classroom opened out, not in, which thwarted my plan to throw my heavy table up against the door in case a shooter blasted his way down the hall. Even after class began, I found myself fantasizing about inventing a bulletproof Kevlar curtain that I could have at the ready to affix to the door frame if the need arose.
Here is something I didn’t think about: I did not think about arming myself to protect my students."

Arming teachers is insane. Planning how to allow students to shelter or escape while impeding the progress of the shooter, and banning the sale of high power automatic and semi automatic weapons is the obvious solution.
It's actually completely wrong. The original intention was that the USA would be like Switzerland was to become, a country without a standing army. What the Founding Fathers envisaged as their fighting force was a continuation of the Minutemen

armed citizens ready to put down their tools and take up their guns at a minute's notice. However, the USA found that it didn't work - constant conflict with native Americans as the young USA expanded necessitated a standing army. The Minutemen idea gradually morphed into the present-day National Guard.
Ah, thanks Tones, didn't know that.
That was great, drood, and what she said most assuredly stands in stark contrast against the nonsense and bullshit spouted by the NRA and the orange anus.

Another terrific speech from a student in favour of sensible gun controls:

I like the way she uses the psychopath NRA spokeswoman's words ("we're coming for you") against the NRA.

What a contrast to the narcissistic dumbo in the White House.
She's great. Intelligent, eloquent and driven. People like her can change the world. A group of people, in this case, the youth of America, deciding en masse that this time, enough is enough. If I were among the entitled white sociopaths of the NRA, I'd be scared because this time, a critical mass has been reached. Change is coming whether they like it or not and those demanding it cannot be bought.
That NRA spokesperson is a bonafide sociopath. Apparently, she started arming herself after receiving a threat from a listener to her former CNN radio show (following her commenting that it was ok for American soldiers to urinate on Taliban corpses, after which CNN decided to distance itself from her rantings).

What You Should Know About NRA Spokesperson Dana Loesch

"She got her start as a mommy blogger"

what the hell does that mean?
"She got her start as a mommy blogger"

what the hell does that mean?

'I have had a baby and I'm going to bore you rigid by telling you in great detail about his/her/its first solid food/words/steps/school/college/job because I'm sat on my arse at home with nothing else to do'.

