
Amazing Guardian article

In this instance. If you only read the Independent you're missing out on a lot of useful news.

Yes....I guess so. But I do have Radio 4 on half the day and get BBC updates online too. Perhaps in this day and age a viewspaper is all I need from hard copy. Even the fast acting papers seem like old news with the internet and radio on tap.
But I do have Radio 4 on half the day
Give the World Service a go and be free of the extremes of UK media reporting and with any luck the content may widen your horizon but YMMV.
Yes, fair point, but deeper analysis can be lacking elsewhere. R4 is one exception, as is Newsnight.

The Graun's recent web media sub-site publishing the whole NSA / Snowden content is a an exceptional example of web / media / content / copy publication.
well this is bollox, but whilst the Indy often has good stories not published elsewhere I often find it misses important stories.

The Indy is a fine paper but struggles as it has a tiny news desk and very few hacks largely as a result of Murdoch's decade long attempts to bankrupt it via price wars. This is the princinple reason it's so thin and missing stuff, but it's worth reading on account of being a genuinely different voice in our media landscape.
I am not alone in thinking the Guardian is as bad as The Mail.

That's true but I would suggest it puts you in the same group that thinks The Times is not as good as the Daily Star or the Daily Telegraph not as good as The Daily Express.
The Indy is a fine paper but struggles as it has a tiny news desk and very few hacks largely as a result of Murdoch's decade long attempts to bankrupt it via price wars. This is the princinple reason it's so thin and missing stuff, but it's worth reading on account of being a genuinely different voice in our media landscape.
Absolutely. Despite the Russki owner it just hasn't got the depth of pocket to publish as much as it used to. Lots of PA content fills in the gaps.
Anyone make sense of the Middle East or Laos? Spot any other mistakes?

Seems to be a few people in the comments section noticing mistakes with the Gruniad scurrying about fixing it.

Can you be more specific about what is actually wrong?

Also note that as it's part of the Graun's Open Data iniitiative, you can download the raw data yourself and go direct to the source (in this case Amnesty International) to find out where they got it from.
Insulting stuff. I am not alone in thinking the Guardian is as bad as The Mail.

The problem with journalism per se is that if you read an article on a subject that you know a lot, or even just something, about then you are bound to be disappointed by the banal, trivial, shallow and possibly incorrect or at least misleading nature of the article.

This is unsurprising. Most journalists are English Literature, Classics or (sharply indrawn breath of shock) Media graduates. This prepares you as an expert in a narrow band of literature and possibly some very ancient rhetorical techniques that will always be incorrect when applied to modern life. [MMR - one doctor vs all the other doctors in the world - equal weight of argument, for example]

However, given that even the most-est Renaissance Man can only have access to (say) one percentage point of the total knowledge of mankind and (if you are super-human, like Paul R say) possibly a keen analytic ability that allows argument and data to be dissected to within an inch of respectability. But this leaves 99% of human knowledge available to be poorly summarised by journalists and for you to be at least slightly better informed than if you go without.

It is certainly possible to apply ones own analytic ability to the different journalists and editorial presentation of The Times, Telegraph, Independent and Guardian and decide on personal preference. Utterly reasonable. I also find the rather gushingly over PC and blinkered to common sense approach of The Guardian to be a little trying at times.

However. To suggest that any one of the reasonably sensible newspapers above are "as bad" as The Daily Mail suggests a dislike for the occasional Graun editorial hectoring bordering on the pathological. How did they hurt you?

The Daily Mail panders to and stokes the paranoia of the worst of "Middle England." The curtain twitching, not voyeurs but neighbourhood watch, she's not as good as she should be, what are immigrants doing to your house prices, wind power - NO, is your microwave giving you cancer, bio-waste power NO, mother of twenty lives in palace and gets £1M and is an immigrant, nuclear power - NO, paedophilia NO - but see the picture above of Ffion (15) in a bikini before her coming out - paedos EVIL, but lusting after blue blood teenagers in jodhpurs, riding boots and imaging being tied up and that whip... your water giving you cancer, immigrant benefit frauds are eroding your house prices, Diana to beatified, evil paedophile benefit fraud "Pope" stands in way of Diana beatification, IMMIGRANTS RAPED YOUR HOUSE PRICES, HS2 and your house prices - is your neighbour getting more than you and how to shop them to the Police as immigrant benefit fraudsters if so, immigrants all the fault of the French/Germans/Euros/Blair, is your newspaper giving you cancer?


Occasionally we are a little too self righteous and overly PC. And we usually criticise ourselves for same. Even if it is only Charlie Brooker and the huge chip on his shoulder for being the only person in the building without the yoke of an English Literature degree.

No contest.

(If we follow typical Daily Mail editorial solutions - we could deport, render for soap or burn for electricity [biofuel subsidy available - bloody Europe] the Daily Mail readership - SEE FFION IN DRAX OVERALLS AND SHOVEL WITH SEXY SMUT ON NOSE above right - to fix the problem)
Newspapers tend to have different approaches.

Some talk at you and tell your their views.

Some tell you what you want to hear.

The papers who sell the most are those who have their finger on the public pulse and simply articulate what the public think.

When I was in the States during Bush's administration Americans would actually apologise to me for their President and yet he was voted in.

The problem for a lot of people is that they rightly or wrongly believe what a paper says is wrong but in so doing they dismiss those who disagree with them and choose to buy it.
There were a few mistakes, it is impossible to read in certain parts of the world and has loaded statements, which should have been saved for commentary.

It reminds me that it is basically where the NME staff used to go when they got older to get a pay rise.. I used to read Melody Maker.

You are not overly bright, are you?
There were a few mistakes, it is impossible to read in certain parts of the world and has loaded statements, which should have been saved for commentary.

It reminds me that it is basically where the NME staff used to go when they got older to get a pay rise.. I used to read Melody Maker.

Only teh cl00less n00bs read Malady Manker.
Insulting stuff. I am not alone in thinking the Guardian is as bad as The Mail.
Richglib, I am sorry if you find my comments insulting but I am afraid that I can think of no other way of putting it without diminishing your reasoning, moral compass and conclusions.

I really don't know if your opinion on the equivalent journalistic values of the Guardian and the Daily Mail is genuine or if you've just had a little too much to drink and are having some fun at the expense of the forum and its members. But if you are serious, then perhaps I could suggest that your particular brand of rhetoric would be best reserved for comments on the 'spEak you're bRanes' website.

