
78s way out of my league!!

Not to that catalogue no in particular, but there's others, so he seems to have recorded it more than once ....

He changed some of the words in later recordings, the original, from 1930, would get somebody the sack if played on the BBC now.....
In the unlikely event of you having a copy of 'When its Thursday night in Egypt, its half past two in Spain' (no - really!!!) I would like it!!:rolleyes:

We used to have it on 78 but it got lost somewhere in the midst of time.

Barber did it but the original was terrific.
Interesting!! However, I have a load of 78s already that I am transferring to the Mac gradually.

That one tune goes round and round my head and its very frustrating not be able to find a copy. I doubt it was every a major hit though.:rolleyes:

