
+5vDC fan for cooling, how best to electrically isolate

Okay a number of listens and I thought it had potentially lost a bit of drive and body, so left on overnight and had another listen today. Didn't seem as good, not as good as before. So a strip down of the racks, some 30-40 connections to undo ! Rewired in the lower voltage taps, as soon as I put it back on, bass more weight, more dynamic and more drive and energy.

Interesting the only difference was taking 13.4 V taps of the XPS-2 transformer vs the 17.8 V taps to feed the AV2 board. Post reg the DC voltages identical, pre LM Regs they are 'only' 17.2V DC vs 23.5V DC for the 17.8V AC taps and 20 V for the original AV2 supply

The best is the 13.4 V AC taps on the XPS-2 the second best the 17.8V AC taps on the XPA-2 and the original internal 15.6V AC taps on the AV2 third

