
324s or 729s

OK, I can get Oscons from Farnell, but where can I get Silmics in the UK? And could someone tell me what is the difference between these various caps?
OK, I can get Oscons from Farnell, but where can I get Silmics in the UK? And could someone tell me what is the difference between these various caps?

I have some new unused oscons 25v 56uf from an old project that I did not use. If you want them for free just pm me your address and how many you need.

OK, I can get Oscons from Farnell, but where can I get Silmics in the UK?

. . .and I have some Silmics, just mail me at


I have some Silmics (10uF 35v) that Neil gave to me. If anybody would like some of these just PM me your address and I will post a couple to you FOC.

