
2024 local elections

He is history.
He and all the other megafailures* listed by Paul are the Conservative Party's recent history. Granted, in the last 10+ years they have been able to take the country down with them by contriving to cling on to power, thus making their recent history of failure, lies and corruption the UK's. The upcoming elections are an opportunity to ensure that Tory history doesn't continue debasing UK history any longer.

*I mean, what a list, eh? Take a look at it again. Instead of lecturing Paul on why his vote will be useless and cursing those who may vote Green or whatever, you should reflect on your own role in consistently re-electing and otherwise supporting a party that is not merely useless but demonstrably harmful to the country.
He and all the other megafailures* listed by Paul are the Conservative Party's recent history. Granted, in the last 10+ years they have been able to take the country down with them by contriving to cling on to power, thus making their recent history of failure, lies and corruption the UK's. The upcoming elections are an opportunity to ensure that Tory history doesn't continue debasing UK history any longer.

*I mean, what a list, eh? Take a look at it again. Instead of lecturing Paul on why his vote will be useless and cursing those who may vote Green or whatever, you should reflect on your own role in consistently re-electing and otherwise supporting a party that is not merely useless but demonstrably harmful to the country.
I have not lectured Paul and have cursed no one.

Anyway I am done for the night.
We have mayor and commissioner votes .just recently the mayor wanted to grab both roles but he failed . Very very little info in media here on it so not sure how ordinary folks will bother to vote

Having met Andy Street briefly as he gets about all over the place i shall continue to support him
One of the prime local Tory MP shits around here has realised his goose is cooked so is trying to become East Mids mayor to keep the gravy train rolling as long as he can.
I have not lectured Paul and have cursed no one.

Anyway I am done for the night.
Take another look at your post #30:
Yes but you know you will have wasted a vote and even worse you will be doing the same in every election in the future. You will have a life of discontent ahead of you.
Yes, early night is probably a good idea.
Yes, early night is probably a good idea.

It's just a good old Mick flounce, it's code for "You've all countered my argument with facts and reasoned debate, so I'm going to ignore it all and leave the thread never to to return"
For clarity: Mick is just shilling his Tory councillor son. I guess he’ll be out selling Braverman’s fascism, Truss’s conspiracy theories and Sunak’s multi-£bn corruption door to door. Have some sympathy for the guy! Can you imagine a more depressing life than having to defend that shit to make a living?
Haven't made my mind up yet. Will vote for a Tory during the local elections and will decide the national election nearer the time.

Why? Tell us why you would vote Tory?

Do you like to see people starving or homeless? I'm really curious to see, hear, a projection of the inner workings of someone's mind who enables such atrocities.
We have mayor and commissioner votes .just recently the mayor wanted to grab both roles but he failed . Very very little info in media here on it so not sure how ordinary folks will bother to vote

Having met Andy Street briefly as he gets about all over the place i shall continue to support him
Isn't he the tory that so carefully avoids mentioning the shameful shower that he represents?
Edit, the party, not the electorate.
We've a mayoral election too. The incumbent Starmerite has been largely/completely invisible, (which negates the purpose of a local mayor somewhat,) so I'll be voting Green, I think, as there is no better option on the paper. For the local council we got bundled in with the Tories 10km away at the last round of boundary changes, rather than the local people around the corner!
Andy Burnham (LAB) is our mayor, up for reelection too. He's popular, and the general view is that he's been good for the region. I'd be astonished if he doesn't get convincingly reelected.
Last night I watched a bizarre London Mayoral election broadcast from a party calling itself the SDP. It sounded like a remix of Reform. Weirdly they're claiming to be a legacy of the 1981 founded SDP. Apart from anything else it seems odd the LibDems wouldn't have kept to the rights to that name.
Last night I watched a bizarre London Mayoral election broadcast from a party calling itself the SDP. It sounded like a remix of Reform. Weirdly they're claiming to be a legacy of the 1981 founded SDP. Apart from anything else it seems odd the LibDems wouldn't have kept to the rights to that name.
Never heard of them.

LOL! Her twitter account is @StandUptoWoke
The only thing we have to vote on is the Police Commissioner. I haven't a clue who is on the ballot as there has been no information from any one at all. I also have no idea what the role they are vying for entails and what benefit it is to the general public. I will put in as much effort as they have and not vote. I imagine turnout will be low for this
The only thing we have to vote on is the Police Commissioner. I haven't a clue who is on the ballot as there has been no information from any one at all. I also have no idea what the role they are vying for entails and what benefit it is to the general public. I will put in as much effort as they have and not vote. I imagine turnout will be low for this
We got a leaflet mailing in an official envelope about the mayoral election. Gave some facts about the powers of the role, areas they covered, etc, and then each candidate got a 2 page spread to make their own pitch. Are you sure you didn't get something similar about the PCCs which you discarded as junk perhaps?
Haha! Someone tweeted that they couldn't decide between her and Britain First.


No Nothing. In this area we are lucky if we get a leaflet during a general election, its very lack lustre being a safe Tory seat for decades.

