

thankfully the vast majority of these things were done years ago in other bands we where all involved in, though we were all relieved when the police dropped the charges on tony for stealing the bounty bar from rs mccolls

oh and what do you mean 'obscure'? we are massive in croatia
The idea at present is to write 40 or 50 'ideas' as we've been doing, then try and make something worth-having out of the better parts so aspects of these may all and up as small parts of a larger longer flowing whole / the worse parts (and there are many) can be discarded. Certainly a lot of the best Krautrock is assembled in such a manner. It's one of the reason we are (almost exclusively) sticking to E as a root key.

Songs in the Key of G (as in German), please!
I've just hoofed another one up this week, Unterwasser (reworked), a more developed version of a track uploaded a couple of weeks ago. It perhaps helps highlight how we work in that the original version (link) was an idea Greg dropped into the Dropbox, the track I've just posted contains fresh parts & some restructuring by Gareth (älterboy) and myself. Not implying it's finished yet - nothing is finished until it's cut to vinyl IMO - there's no way back from that!
All good to hear, and heinous liberties are to be positively encouraged / expected.

FWIW I far prefer Pro X to Logic Express 9, which was my first exposure to Logic - I just find it far more intuitive somehow. Logic 9 just confused me as I guess I was mentally still stuck in 'Cubase on an Atari' mode. Gareth (älterboy here) has used Logic for many years now (he's a degree-level music technology lecturer amongst other things) so really understood where everything was hidden in 9, whereas I just didn't and just found it rather frustrating. I certainly seem far more able to write stuff in Pro X. I think it's amazing to be honest, the best 139 quid I've spent in a long while.
if you want to produce xenochronous wibbly-fooblage, simply press thex enochronous wibbly-fooblage button in your digital audio workstation. i find the fronge parameter is a little unstable in pro tools but the boysenbaster is excellent. try not to clickmagulate though, you may damage your speakers
i have heard of a thing called google or something on modern computers. apparently, if you type in Twilight Sparkle-soundalike voice actress sample saying "stand back, I am going to try SCIENCE" i think they will get an actress to do it for you (or something)
We need the remixes, 12" remixes, picture disk remixes, edit, groove, feat: fox and fontella bass etc

We need know what the Älter/twenty-teen equivalent of "...put them outside, but remember to tag them first for identification purposes" is going to be.

