
£10k plinth for LP12


pfm Member
The 40th Anniversary LP12 from Linn seems just a little too cynically priced, even by Linn's standards. As far as I can tell you're paying pretty much 10 grand for the plinth made out of some skanky old barrels. Oh, and a decent bottle of scotch too. Now this may or may not be an excellent material for an LP12 plinth but I'd rather choose one of Chris Harban's excellent plinths for a whole lot less.

I'm sure there are 40 wealthy enough individuals out there that'll snap them and it's clearly designed to appeal to the money no-object-crowd but it's taking the piss isn't it?
I thought the whole "machined from the solid" Klimax product line was excessive and wasteful too. Huge amounts of machining time and waste and added expense for very little added value. Still if it keeps them in business ..
They could be onto something here as know for a FACT that my system sounds just fine and dandy after the glass or 3 of the best thing eva to have come out of Scotland, well that and my mate 'Jock' kerr.. :)
I take it that if the plinth & bottle equates to £10k, the whole TT package must be two or three times that.
What is the price of the 40th anniversary deck then?

Linn really were in the right place at the right time, weren't they.
Go on, how much? I'm sitting down.

Funny thing is, the billionaires won't be the ones that buy it, it'll be the hifi nerd that can't really afford it. You don't get to be a billionaire by being gullible.

