

  1. Andrew Podmore

    looking for a friendly linn dealer...

    I want to change my mono active cards from lk100 amplifers to klout any dealers/experts out there can help? i currently have kabers and 3 x LK100 amps with mono cards and having acquired some klouts i would like to find a helpful individual ( whether they run a hifi shop or not !! ) to swap...
  2. Andrew Podmore

    upgrading from activ kabers to keltiks

    Hello all Ive been running active kabers with 3 lk100s Thinking about keltiks & 1 x extra Lk100 Find 4 klouts later on... Have members done this themselves either now or in the past... Any thoughts on this ...? You wise and wonderful people...
  3. A

    Where should my next 1000 Euros/Dollars investment go?

    Hello, This is my first post. Please be indulgent w/ me! :-) My current set up is: SystemDek IIX w/ Linn Basik Plus arm & Grado Gold cartridge > Linn Majik-1 (1990s model) > KEF Calinda speakers I love the simplicity of it all. I would actually like it to be even more basic, like just a...

