
What is your current system? part II

Bit of an update: I've finally for my hands on a pair of Shahinian Arcs (always wanted to try these!). Here they are in-situ:


Audio Physic Virgo 2 speakers, vintage MF A370 power, Cairn Nitro pre, Beresford mk3 DAC (Audio Synthesis Transcend CDT is out of shot), Revolver/Ortofon mc/CA 640P tt. The MF MVX.2 pre atop the A370 is currently unused and may be up for sale soon ;)).


Last time I heard an MVX was 1990! It had an amazing mc phono stage. How does it compare with yout Cairn pre? I assume its not as good if you are selling the MF.
Started with an exposure 2010 cd/amp... then found this forum. I'm not really active member but I've found very good advices in the past (and an Exposure MC board!).

Hi r-tee,

I sold them in the end. They definitely had their strong points but in the end I found them to be a bit too "small" sounding for my tastes.

Currently listening to Sondek Ittok LV2 DL103 into WAD stepups 10x setting with no resistor loading into Heed Questar mm.No pre amp Just using the digital volume control on the MC2 650 into a pair of ES14 .
Esound E5 into Dussun V8i and Castle Harlechs - (nice CD, great amp).
RS Audio Duet interconnects (fantastic)
Russ Andrews Super Purifier
Audio Analogue Silver Speaker cable (suspect v average)
Russ Andrews & TM3 Power Cables
Herbie's Tenderfeet under CD & Isocups under the amp (good products - thanks Herbie!)
Rega Planar 3 & Musical Fidelity X-LPSv3

Walker SST everywhere.............

It boogies........................
Well, for what purpose is just listing it in a vast, long, rambling thread? I don't need to see my system in print - I already know what it is!

Surely, if it does have a purpose, it is so that people interested in a product can see who else is using it and in what context - perhaps PM them to ask a question. This would be much easier to do if one could put the componet name, or type, or user into a database search. Life is way too short to read through 87 pages of 'I own this' lists.

If the purpose of this thread is just so people can type in the equipment they own - just for the fun of typing, then I suggest a random key press thread. Everyone can join in then, just press a load of random buttons on your keyboard and post - you can even do it more than once.
So does every conversation have to have an agenda with a list of objectives or can we just shoot the breeze?
This thread I feel comes under the latter.
Well, for what purpose is just listing it in a vast, long, rambling thread? I don't need to see my system in print - I already know what it is!

Then don't bother with this thread. ;)

Personally, I love hifi and like to see what other folks have got. The variety is amazing. :) Keep 'em coming - especially the photos!
Last time I heard an MVX was 1990! It had an amazing mc phono stage. How does it compare with yout Cairn pre? I assume its not as good if you are selling the MF.

They are both great pre-amps, imho. But a very different sound.

The MF is fast, dynamic and ballsy. The Cairn is more about tonally rich musicality. I like them both tbh - but the Cairn's got a remote control ..... :rolleyes: Sorry - I'm a couch potato at heart!

The MVX.2 is now up for sale in the Classifieds, btw. ;)
Bit of an update: I've finally for my hands on a pair of Shahinian Arcs (always wanted to try these!). Here they are in-situ:

Hi Lefty - neat looking system! :)

Always fancied a pair of Shahinian Arcs myself. Are you pleased with them? .... how do they do with imaging / focus?

