

A fair number have made their way possibly through Norn-Iron to the South here over the last couple of years.

Bit of a political spat going around whether it's still within the law to require them to go back to the UK to complete their immigration processing as originally agreed under EU law. The refugees now claim the UK no longer qualifies as a 'Safe Country' where their rights will be recognised, and thus cannot be forced to return.

The Gift that keeps on giving as they say.
If you enter any country illegally then there should be a suitably robust deterent and process of removal.
This is reasonable enough, however it neglects the point that if you are an asylum seeker in, say, Iraq, you can't rock up to the airport with your passport and get the first flight to Heathrow. You have to use an irregular (read: illegal) means of getting out of the country. You aren't going to be travelling with all your ID documents, that much is certain.
I am proud to live in a country that welcomes people from all backgrounds and helps those most needy. True asylum seekers that have fled war torn country's should be welcomed with open arms. What I am 100% against is the influx of economic migrants which is out of control. If you enter any country illegally then there should be a suitably robust deterent and process of removal. Me and my sons would like to migrate to Australia or New Zealand but we can't just break the law, turn up and expect a helping hand and this is correct and proper.

How are you defining 'out of control'? The fact, rather than the rhetoric, is that the government continues to welcome economic migrants because there are significant areas of employment where qualified workers are in short supply.
This is a reasonable and defensible position in and of itself. But it does overlook our complicity in bringing about the circumstances that creates these 'economic migrants'. AIUI, the great majority of these are Afghans and Iraquis, from countries with oppressive regimes which were royally ****ed up by western (economically-minded) 'interventions', which we were enthusiastic participants in, at the time. And which the Great British Public was stirred up into jingoistic support for. If you cheerled for it then, you ought to help with the clearing up afterwards, surely?
I certainly never supported our intervention or Interference. Surely the answer isn't for endless guilt and open door policy to the detriment of our country's future. We should fully support in every way the rebuilding of people's home country's.
I certainly never supported our intervention or Interference. Surely the answer isn't for endless guilt and open door policy to the detriment of our country's future. We should fully support in every way the rebuilding of people's home country's.
The government that is cracking down on these asylum seekers has also reduced our foreign aid investment to almost negligible amounts, and on a much more commercial 'you scratch our back, we scratch yours' basis. So how are we going to do that?
In fairness racism at this scale is very expensive. It is all the Tories have left.
Not true... They're gunning for the disabled and mentally ill now as well. As I'm both, I'm bricking it.

I suppose at least I've got ADHD with the physical stuff, so the anxiety and depression (ironically starting under them around 2014 and made orders of magnitude worse by the ESA and PIP nonsense) are all under the filthy fecking Tories!

Funny how they can pay for all this lot but not people who've paid a fair amount of tax, have paperwork and proven worthwhile enjoyment skills.

I'm one of the luckier ones too... There's a lot in a fat worse situation thanks to this lot of scummy tories...

London protesters block coach taking asylum seekers to Bibby Stockholm

Dozens of demonstrators in Peckham surround coach before it can take people to barge in Dorset

"The people who were due to be removed are said to include teenagers who are attending colleges in the area."

The government that is cracking down on these asylum seekers has also reduced our foreign aid investment to almost negligible amounts, and on a much more commercial 'you scratch our back, we scratch yours' basis. So how are we going to do that?
The sound you hear is the UK exiting stage right from world affairs.

Powerful video from Led By Donkeys projected on the Tories illegal floating concentration camp.
I read somewhere that the cost to keep each asylum seeker on the Bibby Stockholm was equivalent to buying a house, per refugee, on the Isle of Portland.

The Tory anti immigration policy is non sensical however it is added up.

We are told there is no money for the NHS, to improve peoples lives but there is plenty to be found for creative and expensive cruelty to brown people.

Our politics is sick and the only treatment on the horizon is to make it even sicker.
From today's FT:

Northern Ireland court strikes down key parts of UK Illegal Migration Act​

Ruling means contentious Rwanda asylum policy would not apply in region

Mr Justice Michael Humphreys ruled human rights provisions of the act contravened the post-Brexit Windsor framework and that parts were also incompatible with the European Convention of Human Rights.His judgment means the Rwanda asylum policy — one of the prime minister’s key pitches to voters in the upcoming UK general election — would not apply in Northern Ireland.
A mere drop in the ocean when viewed against what the Tories stole from us in corruption. Best guess is somewhere around £50bn of our money is in their pockets once all the bogus covid contracts, selling off environmental protections, selling peerages, freeports etc etc is all factored-in. Maybe a lot more. Sadly I’m not convinced Labour have the integrity to shine a bright spotlight here. In any sane nation a lot of Tories would be facing a jury and a very lengthy jail terms after their assets have been seized. The party is a criminal entity, and that is what this election should be won on IMHO. They should be given nowhere to hide. This elite level of multi-£bn criminality and corruption should never be normalised or accepted.
No Rwanda flights before the election....

So, when Labour win, there will be no Rwanda flights after the election......

That was £240 million well spent.

There's no easy way out for either party; Brexit was very much a xenophobic / racist vote for many. I don't see anything in Labour policy to shut them up and the obvious failure of the Rwanda scheme is no better.

UK remains the destination of choice; something to be proud of i guess but it will cost.

