
Things to do on a day out in Manchester


50 shades of grey pussy cats
Anyone care to recommend a touristy day out in Manchester? Open top bus? etc........somewhere interesting for late lunch (avoiding high street chains) ? end of June.......
Mr Thomas's Chop House is very good.

The museums at the end of Deansgate used to be great although long time since I have visited. Depending on the day of the week, a trip to Bury Market and trip on the East Lancs to Ramsbottom is nice.
Mr Thomas's Chop House is very good.

The museums at the end of Deansgate used to be great although long time since I have visited. Depending on the day of the week, a trip to Bury Market and trip on the East Lancs to Ramsbottom is nice.
If you mean the “museum of science and industry”, then yes, it’s great. Well worth a visit.
Especially if science and industry are your thing !!!
Manchester art gallery is well worth a visit

And the Whitworth art gallery just outside the city centre

Another good place to see is the museum of Science and Industry.

The national football museum is in Manchester

The John Rylands Library is another one to see

There is an open top bus tour of the city

There are free buses for getting around the city from station to station with plenty of stops in between

The Michelin guide has places to eat

Mr. Thomas’s used to be a great call but the thing it was famous for, the corned beef hash, is a pale shadow of what it used to be. The decor is still there but it’s only “okay” nowadays as a place to eat or drink. I would look at the Black Friar in Salford, barely 10 minutes over the border from Bridge Street. If your tastes are more expensive then look at places like Fenix or Climat. They cost but are inarguably worth every penny. The rooftop view from Climat is interesting too. I would not eat at a single one of the Michelin recommends. They are awful pretentious cack. Overpriced and you get surrounded by arses too as an added bonus. A far cheaper alternative would be the many small places at the back of the RNCM. Mexican to Lithuanian via all sorts of places. Cheap, cheerful and generally very good indeed.

Museums in Manchester are struggling but why not go see Tony at MoSI? Manchester Art Gallery, John Rylands and the Whitworth are excellent but so is the museum at the university. People’s History Museum is okay but must be bored by now of people pointing out the many historical issues it has wrong or incomplete. My fave remains their attitude to the Luddites, which is so wrong it‘s funny. Ask them about it and watch them squirm. Their timeline is hilariously bad. If your interest lies in this direction you‘d be far better spending a day at the Working Class Movement Library in Salford in many ways.

The Football Museum is ”interesting”. Essentially it‘s an interesting way to while away a couple of hours but the use of the space in Urbis is dreadful and it is, to put it politely, somewhat Mancunian in orientation. There are moments you will think 90 other clubs simply never existed. Other countries? Hmm. Be prepared to look hard. It’s fairly poor compared to what it could have been. My vote would be for the Manchester Transport Museum. Much more low key but, and I say this as someone who will never drive, absolutely brilliant.
Spend a few moments of peace and reflection in the wonderful cathedral .the windows are beautiful and it has such a atmosphere
My vote would be for the Manchester Transport Museum
that sounds like a good shout
Mr. Thomas’s used to be a great call but the thing it was famous for, the corned beef hash, is a pale shadow of what it used to be. The decor is still there but it’s only “okay” nowadays as a place to eat or drink
I have been recommended that by about 5 people who live and work in Manchester, who like it. And it is convenient to where we are staying.
. I would not eat at a single one of the Michelin recommends. They are awful pretentious cack
We use the michelin guides to many cities and they appear to be pretty reliable to us over many many years.

is it worth a visit? during the day.

we are going to a gig on one night, if the co-op live ever manages to open....
Spend a few moments of peace and reflection in the wonderful cathedral .the windows are beautiful and it has such a atmosphere

I am afraid that is something we are unlikely to do. The only cathedral we liked was Coventry.
that sounds like a good shout

I have been recommended that by about 5 people who live and work in Manchester, who like it. And it is convenient to where we are staying.

We use the michelin guides to many cities and they appear to be pretty reliable to us over many many years.

is it worth a visit? during the day.

we are going to a gig on one night, if the co-op live ever manages to open....
I unexpectedly loved the Transport Museum. It’s not huge but it is very good.

I understand why people recommend Mr. Thomas’s. If you work in Manchester it‘s a great location for a sneaky pint but anyone raving about the food at this point is talking rubbish. It‘s not terrible but it is only okay.

The MIchelin Guide is okay. It won’t take you anywhere genuinely awful but there’s a big turnover in Manchester and it doesn’t reflect great new stuff across the price ranges so you miss out on lots of awesome places and get either places which have been around for a while because they are predictable, staid and well located, or, places with celebrity chefs which are trading on that name rather than actual quality.

If you’ve time to get to the Blackfriar then do it. There‘s several decent restaurants and pubs around M3 if you don’t fancy the Black Friar. It’s a quick walk and very decent indeed though. I used to drink there before it suffered at the hands of the protection gangs (allegedly).

For gigs forget the likes of the Co-Op. Have a look at the listings for the Band On The Wall; The Deaf Institute; RNCM; Academy 2 and 3 and places like Yes and New Century Hall.

