
Labour Leader: Keir Starmer VII

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It’s not reporting. The words are emotive, inflammatory and don’t match the content of the video (even if, as I acknowledged above, she might have said things elsewhere that matched the words more closely).

The reason it matters is that that way of twisting language is a material part of the media-political cesspit we find ourselves in. The Gatekeepers on Radio 4 earlier today touched on similar themes, strangely enough.

And your own last reply to me emphatically said that unhinged wasn’t appropriate. Malign, manipulative, disingenuous, those might work, and I’ve said that she should be held responsible for the things she actually is and says and does. But not unhinged and you know it - indeed you said it.

Since you’re contradicting yourself from one post to the next and apparently not reading the tweet when you repost it, I’m afraid I don’t have the energy to engage any more.
In my last post to you I asked you *if* unhinged was inappropriate what would be appropriate? It was a question, not a statement, emphatic or otherwise. I have said that what Reeves said was deliberate and conscious conflation of antisemitism with protests against genocide and have even agreed the “unhinged” suggests incapacity whereas design is *more* appropriate to describe Reeves dissembling.

You seem to be determined to pick a fight over the word “unhinged”, despite the fact that I have largely agreed with you, but the words in the tweet are irrelevant. I’m only interested in the words coming out of Reeve’s own mouth which you say are “malign, manipulative and disingenuous”. Quite why you are so angry about the word “unhinged” but happy with “malign, manipulative and disingenuous” is a confused kind of semantic argument

I have not contradicted myself at all, I am merely focussing on the central point about Reeves malign behaviours rather than the peripheral use of a word to introduce it. If you agree that Reeves words were malign and manipulative, I’m not sure why the word “unhinged” is upsetting you so.
Speaking of Tatch, he was on The World Tonight last night spouting his worn out ‘you can’t be racist against Muslims because Islam isn’t a race’ bollox. Sadly, sometimes there’s no honour between oppressed and marginalised groups either.
No - and then you get in the the tokenistic politics of the black, lesbian, muslim, single mother of a disabled kid sort of stuff that ends up nowhere too.
People have now got bored of calling him Sir Decisive Action and they now call him Sir London. Honest.

"The YouGov survey for the Mile End Institute at Queen Mary University of London put Labour on 52 per cent in the capital, 35 percentage points ahead of the Conservatives in voting intentions for the Westminster Parliament. ... Professor Patrick Diamond, director of the Mile End Institute, said: “The Conservative party have slipped to among their lowest ever poll ratings in London as their popularity plunges amid voters’ anger over rising taxes, lack of affordable housing, rising crime and difficulties accessing the NHS."

Maybe it's because he's a Londoner?

A big Labour victory is assured.

Abrahams looks more Malcom in the Middle than Malcom X. His supporters on the front row look wetter than a halibuts swimming costume too. No matter, I thought Labour were calling for a ceasefire in Gaza now anyway…..

So, the wrong kind of Jew. The wrong type of ceasefire. I guess the clue is in the name: Labour Friends Of Israel.

PS Councillor Martin Abrams statement is well worth reading. He deserves much respect and support for acting with integrity:

So, the wrong kind of Jew.
Don’t really know what you mean - unless there is some nuance from my incorrect spelling of Abrams - that was autocorrect I am afraid. I was referring to his faux Black Power salute.

PS Councillor Martin Abrams statement is well worth reading. He deserves much respect and support for acting with integrity:
I dont use or support Elon Musks vanity project.
Don’t really know what you mean - unless there is some transgression in my incorrect spelling of Abrams - that was autocorrect I am afraid.

It was a comment on Labour kicking out more Jewish voices whilst claiming to stand against antisemitism, just as they have with Asian/Muslim voices whilst claiming to stand against Islamophobia (see the Labour List documentaries).
It was a comment on Labour kicking out more Jewish voices whilst claiming to stand against antisemitism, just as they have with Asian voices whilst claiming to stand against Islamophobia (see the Labour List documentaries).
Ok. On the Labour Friends of Israel thing, I don’t think Sir Keir is in that group although interestingly Reeves is.
Abrahams looks more Malcom in the Middle than Malcom X. His supporters on the front row look wetter than a halibuts swimming costume too. No matter, I thought Labour were calling for a ceasefire in Gaza now anyway…..
You think Labour is calling for a ceasefire while it is expelling it’s own members who, er, call for a ceasefire, and in so doing issue the usual cheap insult and snark against people on the right side of a moral argument about dealing with genocide?

What is happening in Gaza is genocide, hundreds of children are having legs amputated without anaesthetic, thousands of innocent civilians are being killed and everyone is starving. That you see fit to belittle and insult those who protest against such atrocities is shameful
You think Labour is calling for a ceasefire while it is expelling it’s own members who, er, call for a ceasefire, and in so doing issue the usual cheap insult and snark against people on the right side of a moral argument about dealing with genocide?

“I believe that in Gaza we are witnessing one of the greatest war crimes of our age”
Make no mistake the IDF retaliation to Oct 07 has gone on too long and the people of Gaza have suffered too much. I have been saying there should be a ceasefire since mid-November so maybe the LP will expel me too.
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