
Hash Browns.

Hash browns are magnificent!

Then again, so is black pudding, and so is white pudding. All should be featured in a proper fry-up.
Happy to have a Hash Brown. I can’t get my head around chips with a fried breakfast, didn’t see it until I came to London in 99.

Cheers BB
These cheap 'n nasty American 'fillers' didn't appear in Britain until the early 1980s, so if you see them listed in a "Traditional" British breakfast, feel free to complain to the management. I wouldn't mind so much if I could just ignore them, but they now seem to be taking over from Black Pudding, which is disappearing from a lot of breakfast menus. This is unacceptable! :mad:

Rant over. I think I'll go and have a lie down now.
You are very correct.

I have the same view on baked beans. Very much an Americanism, in effect the gateway to hashbrowns.

An English breakfast should have grilled tomatoes, never beans.

Fried bread is allowed.

Black pudding is optional.

Bacon & eggs, sausage, tomato are the staples.
Hash browns are knockout, I do them in an air fryer and eat with bacon and fried eggs

The ultimate breakfast is the Ulster fry though.
Sorry, @stevec67 but hash browns and bubble and squeak and distinct food groups. Hash browns and rösti I get - both shredded potatoes. Add egg and some flour and I think you’ve got a potato latke. But not left over roasted spuds, turkey and sprouts.

Hash browns have almost all been replaced by ‘home fries’ in American breakfast places these days - cubed potatoes, onions, peppers fried in butter. Fantastic.

BTW baked beans are certainly not part of any American breakfast! No idea where that came from.
Meal, innit. Breaking the fast. Night shift workers might breakfast at teatime.
I used to. Get up about 3 or 4pm, bowl of cornies. Toast. A dinner before I went in, which might have been 6, 7 or 10pm. Sandwich at about 1am. Back home 6 or 7am, quite often spin a record and have a beer before bed. It's a funny old world, but you get used to it.
BTW baked beans are certainly not part of any American breakfast! No idea where that came from.

They seem to have crept in via 'Transport Caff' breakfasts in the 1950/60s.

Whether that's far enough back to be considered traditional is debateable.
I had home made hash browns in a French Quarter cafe in New Orleans 31 years ago. Lovely. Nothing like what is served up over here. Made on a griddle. Unfortunately they refused to divulge the recipe.
I think baked beans are acceptable, even desirable, in a fried breakfast. What is not acceptable is tinned tomato - basically the quickest way to ruin a fry up is to plonk a watery, tinned plum tomato on the plate. I like a tomato, grilled or even fried, but not tinned.
Many years ago we discovered this black pudding

Now the Bury, lumps of white fat style black pudding makes me retch.
Hash browns are unnecessary for me as part of a cooked breakfast, I would rather have fried bread and a few pieces of wholemeal toast on the side.

I also like chopped leeks as part of an English, but most folk I know regard that as bonkers.
A decent breakfast must include a good helping of devilled kidneys and grilled kippers as far as I’m concerned.

don't forget the kedgeree or even some moimoi with custard or pap. or howabout some congee
I'm fine with hash browns with breakfast, but not with baked beans, mushrooms, fried bread or tomatoes.
Many years ago we discovered this black pudding

Now the Bury, lumps of white fat style black pudding makes me retch.
Hash browns are unnecessary for me as part of a cooked breakfast, I would rather have fried bread and a few pieces of wholemeal toast on the side.

I also like chopped leeks as part of an English, but most folk I know regard that as bonkers.

Proper Stornoway black pudding is the correct answer. All else pales….

I like beans with my full Monty breakfast
I’m fine with pretty much everything listed above, with the exception of the leeks, which is just madness. There’s no place for anything green on a breakfast plate!

And I agree with the point on tinned tomatoes - much as I like them, it should be proper ones with a breakfast.

