
Ghastly expressions you want to see the back of in 2011

I will countenance "reaching out" if it's a collective thing, so "I'm organising a reunion for such and such so I'm *reaching out* to everyone who was there, or who knows someone, or can help, etc. That's fair enough, because there is an element of exploration and extending enquiry to capture something without knowing the full outcome. By the same token at work you could "reach out" to anyone who may have experience of XYZ because you are setting up a project to fix XYZ and you need some help but you don't really know who to ask. But "reaching out" to someone you see every day at work and know exactly where to find, bollocks.
‘Can I get….’ An awful Americanism heard in pretty much every cafe and bar these days. Simply wrong.

Don't see a problem with that to be honest. It's okay English, isn't any longer than its counterparts.... no issues there.

But anyone, and I mean absolutely anyone (aside from the aforementioned Four Tops), who uses the expression 'reach out/reaching out' goes on my 'what a pretentious ****' list!
What should be the preferred, equally brief, alternatives to the expressions we dislike? I think it's incumbent on the objectors to offer an alternative. For example:

'Can I get...' - replace with 'Please can I get...'
I quite like 'gotten' in some circumstances. It feels more appropriate to me where the getting might be ongoing, ie it's more than just a past participle. So, for example:

'Cars have got more complicated over the years' vs 'Cars have gotten more complicated over the years'. To me, the second version implies that cars are still in the process of getting more complicated, whereas the first example suggests that they got more complicated but that process has stopped. I know there's nothing specific in the grammar that supports this take on things, but if I want to make the sort of distinction I'm talking about, I'd consider using 'gotten'; either way, it's nice to have the option.

