
The Premiership ofLiz Truss. Sept 2022-Oct 2022. New PM time!

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I consider studying British politics more detailed not being a UK citizen.
I find it sort of exiting but to be honest I don't understand much of it.
Some quite interesting personalities.
Where should I begin ?
This is splendid.

If true, oh dear. The S*n reports Johnson has the 100 names confirmed and Heaton-Harris (message to MPs below) has now filed the paperwork. Johnson is standing.

I wouldn't put is past them to be lying (including The S*n), but best to brace for an incoming Johnson in Downing Street within days. :confused:

Just the usual bollox circulated endlessly by the usual suspects ... most recent (and relatively reliable) sources still have Bojo with backers stubbornly stuck in the mid 50s.
They hope by circulating this garbage it will become true by some kind of magic....
I don't see how a Labour 40 seat majority makes PR any more likely than a 120 seat majority. To make any difference you need Labour not to have a majority and to be forced into a coalition. Or Starmer to have an outbreak of public spiritedness which I suggest is even less likely.
Ah I know Matthew just clutching at imaginary straws.
@Tony L please don't hold back on JRM. Arsehole is far to kind to him and an insult to arseholes everywhere.

I would punch him out until I was down to my wrists. :mad:

I expect he’ll lose his seat next election and will slink off to counting the many millions he made shorting the UK currency and our collective business interests. He is a total arsehole IMHO. The absolute worst kind of manipulative class-warrior parasite elite education can create.
Rachel Johnson getting emotional on LBC. Talking about the clown being honourable. :rolleyes: Instead of calling out her brother's lies about having 100 backers.
Assuming true (and you never know with Johnson), a con man to the end. And hopefully that is the end of him. Can't wait to see what Mogg will say about being played for a fool. :D
‘Boris has, as always, put the good of the country and Party above himself. I am sure he will continue to offer a great deal to the Conservative Party in the future’.
Rachel Johnson getting emotional on LBC. Talking about the clown being honourable. :rolleyes: Instead of calling out her brother's lies about having 100 backers.
Boris himself carefully avoided saying any such thing, as indeed, did Rees-Mogg, who only said that he’d been told that Boris had the numbers. But maybe it’ll teach BBC journalists to do a bit more fact-checking and to name the ‘sources close to …’ in future. Plus, why do we have to hear from members of Boris’s family? Who gives a shit what his sister or father think?
Generally I find this whole shorting the £ idea a bit spurious. Even Odey's fund is basically trend following so he will have been short the £ anyway regardless of any shady insider deal with Kwarteng. Which is not to say that these are not odious people and bad actors only that I find the "OMG shorting the £!" angle unconvincing.

To use your words this is 'somewhat ridiculous '. You have said, it appears, that people like JRM and Odey are not shorting the pound but the effect of their investment decisions is to short the pound as if they are supine rather than market making actors but they are not actually shorting the pound. You are creating nuance out of nothing. In other words it's wordwang. Do you really think JRM and Odey see themselves as supine?
Note I have declined the numerous offers of a fist fight I have received by DM today even though I could totally win all 102 of them.
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