
Tony, please remove the ‘like button’.

I don't like wasting my time wading through threads LIKE this but it's addictive, and I like addiction, but feel depressed retrospectively. However, this is nuffink to do with the like button 'cos it's simply there and functions however you want it to; more pros than cons,

Furthermore, it's a far cry from teenagers (and the rest) punctuating every oral phrase with 'like'. this borders on unintelligibility.
Was there once a dislike button or have I imagined it in hope?
I did see a forum had one at one point, but it disappeared. I think it might have been AVForums. I’m guessing it got abused, being used just to dislike posts from individuals that certain people didn’t like.
What I like about PFM is going through the 'Classifieds' and not seeing anything I need or want.

I just really like that ......
I think it encourages sycophancy and cliques, entrenches opinions, playing to the crowd and piles of meaningless back-slapping (and stabbing) posts.

All of which you could just choose to ignore.

There’s always someone on a forum trying to control the fun and complaining about cliques and being bullied etc. It makes you wonder how the hell they cope with social interaction in real life :rolleyes:
All of which you could just choose to ignore.

There’s always someone on a forum trying to control the fun and complaining about cliques and being bullied etc. It makes you wonder how the hell they cope with social interaction in real life :rolleyes:
Absolutely. Some posters are so repeatedly dull and obnoxious, it really makes you wonder.
Your likes to messages ratio is currently 1.12, mine is 0.69, you’re better than me :)

This made me look at mine, 3.19 messages per like, I am feeling well “liked” feels better that way as the ratio of 0.31 sounds bad

We need a table of these, love data and lists.
I haven’t noticed the LIKE clique angle, but I do try avoid the political loop threads.

What I do struggle with is some off-topic threads that have a post that is sad or a negative event for that person. What I decided was to ‘Like’ in terms of acknowledgement of the post, a form of witness to the emotion expressed within.
A positive signal that one has been read/heard, rather than a ‘like’ of the content of the post.

If ‘Like’ could be ‘Noticed’ would that be more neutral, perhaps? - The simplest thing is the current status quo I guess.
I've not 'liked' anything in this thread, although I like (agree/empathise) with a number of posts. Just to be obtuse.

Now wondering if I'm to be 'sanctioned' by Drood. :(

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