
iOS vs Android


pfm Member
I’m using an iPhone X and is time to buy a new phone. Anyone using iOS swapped to Android, and if yes what’s are your thoughts?
my Mrs has both, iPhone for work and Android for personal use. She way prefers Android. And when her company recalled her Android work phone to be replaced by an iPhone she was very disappointed.
I can’t get on with Android! Everything you need is only 10 clicks away………honestly you can’t answer a phone call by just pressing the green answer call button.
I moved from IOS to Android, and I won’t go back.
Answering a call is just as easy.

Tapping one “icon” on IOS is just as easy as doing the same thing in Android, and after all, that is what we do most of the time anyway.
It not not enough pick Android, different phone makers make user interaction with it differently.
Are you mainly concerned with just using it as a phone? Sod all to choose between them in that case, I’d say. If you want to use certain pfm-centric specialist apps (vintage synth emulators come to mind) iOS gives you a far better choice.
I am unequivocally iOS (pod, pad, phone, earbuds, watch). At times it frustrates to the point of wanting to throw the bloody lot across the room. But, ultimately it works within its defined envelope.

My wife went Android for her phone and tablet. However, she has had more “functional” issues than me, and has said that she will go over to “The Great Satan” for her next phone & tablet.

Make of that what you will.
I use both and have done for several years. IOS isn’t quite as robust as some say but like Android it’s just there to do a job. They operate with differently located buttons and actions but are much the same really just with slightly different strengths and weaknesses.

The handover between iPad and iPhone is nice for texts, calls and Notes but isn’t useful if you only have an iPhone with no iPad.

I’d think more about the hardware, camera, screen size, battery life, apps.
I've swapped back and forth a couple of times and I'm happy with either. First couple of weeks are odd while you acclimatise but they're both well developed at this stage. If you use WhatsApp and want to keep your messages, that is a bit of a ball ache and needs a paid for app (well, it did last time I swapped about 18 months ago).

Green answer call button appears, press said button and call is not answered.
Hi mum.
Android if you want your phone/pad to appear to be a computer that happens (if you can work out how) to be a phone/browser etc.

Apple if you appreciate a device that generally just is a phone/browser etc.
To answer call Samsung wants to swipe, for Huawei is enough to press. Every Android phone maker can build his own user interface as they want. That is probably not on Apple devices.
I’ve been using Apple/iOS only for about a decade. Mrs. Hook had Samsung/Android until last year when she got a new iPhone and iPad. Her only complaint has been not doing it sooner. Hard to beat the Apple ecosystem for ease of use and interoperability.
On trip to Shenzhen a while back, I found a very convincing fake iPhone that was actually running Android. Perhaps a device like that could ease the transition.
To answer call Samsung wants to swipe, for Huawei is enough to press. Every Android phone maker can build his own user interface as they want. That is probably not on Apple devices.
And none of them improve on the stock Android UI. If you're in the market for an Android phone, the Pixel line should be near the top of your list.

