
Brexit: give me a positive effect... XV

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The more I see of Brexit and the Westminster circus, the more I’m convinced of the need to TGTF and get back to Europe
It is a valid point about the campaigning especially given the nature of British politics and the fact that the other side are Tories (How could anyone trust them). To be honest from what I saw he was quiet tepid in his support for remain. In a developed democracy Corbyn should have been able to campaign with any party that valued EU membership but that holds for all MP's I don't think it is fair to hold Corbyn responsible for Brexit. There were opportunities though even after the 2016 vote for the Tory and Labour remainers to hang together but party politics always got in the way and prevented any majority vote for a soft Brexit. One can blame the politicians but the bloody electorate played a big part especially at the 2019 election. Corbyn had run his course unfortunately by that point and Labour just had no coherent message to swing enough voters.

Oh, come on, JC was tepid in his support for remain because, as a socialist, the EU was and is totally antithetical to everything that he believes in and stands for. He may well have carried the red wall if he'd campaigned for Brexit, but he'd have lost the metropolitan left completely, and as that was his personal heartland and the fount of his support, he couldn't have done so, so had to conspicuously and rather desperately straddle the fence.

Anyone who claims to be a socialist yet supports membership of the EU is either seriously conflicted, or not a socialist at all. That probably nets a pretty high percentage of folk on this forum thread.
Oh, come on, JC was tepid in his support for remain because, as a socialist, the EU was and is totally antithetical to everything that he believes in and stands for. He may well have carried the red wall if he'd campaigned for Brexit, but he'd have lost the metropolitan left completely, and as that was his personal heartland and the fount of his support, he couldn't have done so, so had to conspicuously and rather desperately straddle the fence.

Anyone who claims to be a socialist yet supports membership of the EU is either seriously conflicted, or not a socialist at all. That probably nets a pretty high percentage of folk on this forum thread.


The ruthless pursuit of power is something Labour have yet to re-learn.

Led by an opportunist who wasn't even a Brexiteer (see many speeches as Mayor) the Tories went against a minority of their membership, in the hope that the votes they then picked up from the far left and right would make up the numbers and it did.

Led by a Leaver, Labour decided not to get behind the majority of their membership, but had no inclination to try to pick up any voters outside of the ones they were losing. The latter still seems to be the case.
Oh, come on, JC was tepid in his support for remain because, as a socialist, the EU was and is totally antithetical to everything that he believes in and stands for. He may well have carried the red wall if he'd campaigned for Brexit, but he'd have lost the metropolitan left completely, and as that was his personal heartland and the fount of his support, he couldn't have done so, so had to conspicuously and rather desperately straddle the fence.

Anyone who claims to be a socialist yet supports membership of the EU is either seriously conflicted, or not a socialist at all. That probably nets a pretty high percentage of folk on this forum thread.

Funny given you are a rabid Tory I would have thought you would be mad keen on a right wing elite EU run for the few rather than the many? :p
Was unaware that good auld Jeffrey was involved in getting the local Larne councillor to write the letter advising there was a threat to customs staff in Larne. No wonder Bojo is happy to be pretending to bat for the Dup team they are birds of a feather.

“Few in the Tory cash-for-lobbying support group at Westminster would have noticed but the unfurling sleaze in the Mother of Parliaments was bookended in another part of Her Majesty’s United Kingdom by the hijacking of a couple of public buses by armed and masked men and left in flames. Something to do with Brexit”.

It’s called getting Brexit done but the majority in N. Ireland like Scotland, voted against it. Who cares about a few traumatised bus drivers and their passengers or that their transport service has been taken away from them and valuable public property torched? Now the entire population of N.Ireland gets hi jacked by Boris n Frosty and a group of sectarian Loyalist thugs.
Funny given you are a rabid Tory I would have thought you would be mad keen on a right wing elite EU run for the few rather than the many? :p

Sure, but I'm not a rabid tory, I'm a 'small c' conservative. I also cannot abide excessive, illegitimate and unnecessary authority. I realise that currently leaves me somewhat homeless from a political point of view, but I suspect it places me as one amongst a majority of people, and certainly of traditional conservatives.
Frosty is slapping down again and in an exciting new development- there’s a masterplan and unleashing explosions.

“Brexit LIVE: 'Calm down' Frost loses cool in furious EU attack – UK 'ready' for Article 16
LORD FROST has given an update in the House of Lords this morning amid ongoing negotiations on the Northern Ireland protocol and fears the UK will trigger Article 16 as soon as next week”.

“Rishi Sunak unveils Brexit masterplan: EU rules ripped up to unleash finance explosion
RISHI SUNAK has set out his vision for ripping up bureaucratic EU rules to unleash the potential for the UK's financial services”.

(The Sexpress).
“We cannot decide by unanimity every step of the process.”

“I am not asking for changing the rules and going to abolish the unanimity because I know that is not the best way of acting. Because to abandon your unanimity, it requires unanimity – and this is not going to happen. What I believe is that this institutional setting can be ‘flexibilised’ in order to act quicker and better."

I'm trying to work out whether this little gem constitutes double-speak, triple-speak, or just garbage.

Anyway, it is convicted fraudster and EU Foreign Affairs head Josep Borrell trying to explain that the 'rules-based' European Commission will be ignoring the rules, written into the Treaties, on unaniminity when deploying the erm.. 'non-existent' and 'never going to happen' EU rapid reaction force (aka army).
EV, why do you still worry so much about the institutional details of an organization the UK voted to leave behind? It sounds like classic post-purchase rationalization behaviour, but it can't be: you are still happy with your decision, right?
We are free from them now. It’s finest British sewage we are condemned to swim in yet EV prefers to theatrically pinch his nostrils while pointing across the Channel.
I think things like this vindicate my pre-purchase rationalisation. As such, it fills me with joy to see it, as there have been many joyless moments along the course of Brexit, and there will undoubtedly be more.

As Margaret Thatcher might have said, indeed did say...

No, doesn't matter...
I think things like this vindicate my pre-purchase rationalisation. As such, it fills me with joy to see it, as there have been many joyless moments along the course of Brexit, and there will undoubtedly be more.

As Margaret Thatcher might have said, indeed did say...

No, doesn't matter...
Come on, don't be such a tease - what did the sainted Maggy say?
There’s no such thing as society?

I heard a bloke on R4s PM programme saying manufacturing in NI has never had it so good - something to do with having unique access to both the UK and EU markets....
I had a bad experience in Clacton once, as a little boy. It involved a public loo, and, oddly enough, raw excreta.
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