
Best debut album ever?

I am unable to narrow it down to one artist/band.

The Specials - The Specials

Beastie Boys - Licensed To ill.

Laurie Anderson - Big Science

DJ Shadow - Endtroducing

Public Enemy- Yo! Bum Rush The Show

Dead Kennedys - Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegetables

Badly Drawn Boy - The Hour of Bewilderbeast

Iggy Pop / The Stooges - The Stooges

Kate Bush - The Kick Inside

Metallica- Kill 'Em All

Ian Dury - New Boots and Panties!!

Radiohead - Pablo Honey

The Jesus and Mary Chain - Psychocandy

Rage Against The Machine - Rage Against The Machine

The Ting Tings - We Started Nothing

Tracy Chapman - Tracy Chapman

The Velvet Underground - The Velvet Underground & Nico

I have all these records, and still play them frequently.

A good list there generally:) Never liked Jesus and Mary Chain... tried to but too much of a tuneless wall of noise for me I'm afraid. Public Enemy and DJ Shadow not really my cup of tea but good for that genre...

I may have to dig out Badly Drawn Boy now you've reminded me! Haven't played that in years and love it!

Am I the only one who will sometimes get sick of a favourite album through overplaying it and then for 8 years every time I see it some sort of pre-programmed selection autopilot kicks in and I think "nah I don't play that one cos I'm sick of it"... then one day you realise you haven't heard it for 8 years!? :confused:o_O
The singer can't sing etc, too modern;)

Great tunes, loads of energy, it kicks ass! I have pretty wide taste in music actually, from classical through hard bop jazz, big band swing, folk, 60's/70's soul, northern soul, blues, rock, some electronica.... My problem is with the likes of techno, grime, gabba etc, the majority of hip hop and rap (there are hip hop and rap tracks I like, especially some of the jazz/hip hop fusion stuff) and what passes for "RnB" these days and which bears zero resemblance to what I would call RnB.

FWIW a typical evenings listening chez Arkless and based on albums left out/on view could include Yazoo "You and me both", Norah Jones "Come away with me", Paul Weller "Wild Wood", Tom Waits "Closing Time", Martin Stephenson and the Daintees "There comes a time", Billy Bragg "Brewing up with..." But could easily have included some Sinatra, Elvis Costello, Bowie, The Beatles, Kate Bush, Bjork, Prefab Sprout, Van Morrison to name some of the more heavily played artists here:)
I think the correct answer might be Five Leaves Left. I can think of at least three others that could challenge it, but I don’t see the point of typing out A List of All My Favourite Debut Albums by Marchbanks when the OP asked for just one.
Lovely stuff. And as such I'd have to have Boat To Bolivia as a classic debut album. I'm throwing in Aztec Camera's High Land Hard Rain as well.

Both excellent choices! Of course the ultimate question for the Martin Stephenson fan is "Boat to Bolivia" or "Gladsome, Humour and Blue"? I love both but if I had to pick one it would be Gladsome...
I think the correct answer might be Five Leaves Left. I can think of at least three others that could challenge it, but I don’t see the point of typing out A List of All My Favourite Debut Albums by Marchbanks when the OP asked for just one.
Hmmm ... you have a good point there. That's on the playlist for later me'thinks.
Great tunes, loads of energy, it kicks ass! I have pretty wide taste in music actually, from classical through hard bop jazz, big band swing, folk, 60's/70's soul, northern soul, blues, rock, some electronica.... My problem is with the likes of techno, grime, gabba etc, the majority of hip hop and rap (there are hip hop and rap tracks I like, especially some of the jazz/hip hop fusion stuff) and what passes for "RnB" these days and which bears zero resemblance to what I would call RnB.

FWIW a typical evenings listening chez Arkless and based on albums left out/on view could include Yazoo "You and me both", Norah Jones "Come away with me", Paul Weller "Wild Wood", Tom Waits "Closing Time", Martin Stephenson and the Daintees "There comes a time", Billy Bragg "Brewing up with..." But could easily have included some Sinatra, Elvis Costello, Bowie, The Beatles, Kate Bush, Bjork, Prefab Sprout, Van Morrison to name some of the more heavily played artists here:)
Not dissimilar to my own tastes although Bragg & Prefab don't do it for me.
I think the correct answer might be Five Leaves Left. I can think of at least three others that could challenge it, but I don’t see the point of typing out A List of All My Favourite Debut Albums by Marchbanks when the OP asked for just one.
The weird thing is that I would have agreed with you fulsomely a few years ago but I have really gone off him. Just find him a bit drippy now. I don't deny the talent though
Great guitars, great songs. I still don’t know how they got away with all those solos and still managed to get labelled with the punk/new wave crowd.
American 'punk' was always very different, a bit more arty. They could really play, I will play this tomorrow
Great guitars, great songs. I still don’t know how they got away with all those solos and still managed to get labelled with the punk/new wave crowd.
American 'punk' was always very different, a bit more arty. They could really play, I will spin this tomorrow
10 inch vinyl. I have Number 199. Still love this record. (even after what they turned into) A bloody good debut and a fine record indeed.


