
"Stupid Woman"

I love how the Corbynistas 'can't believe' this is still being discussed. As usual they want the latest JC f*$k-up to be swiftly brushed under the carpet. Come on, play along, it's nearly Christmas and this is so very amusing.
I am often amazed by the number of people on here who tell me what I can or cant hear now my amazement is really really amazed by the number of people who can lip read what happened after a truly childish display by an elderly woman acting like a six year old.

Some men and some women are stupid, its a fact of life and if you continue to create contempt for parliament by flogging a dead horse and denying a vote on a flawed proposal then you are not likely to be called an intellectual giant are you.

Whispering "stupid woman" is the sort of thing you can do in the heat of the moment and is certainly not a hanging offence.

If he had immediately apologised, it would have been forgotten the day after.

Unfortunately his lack of judgement showed him to be a liar and his word is now meaningless.

He had three hours to think about it and even after time for reflection, he just tried to lie.

Emily Thornberry's face showed it all, his word is now worthless.


What’s great about a “stupid woman” muttering thread is that it’s allowed shy Tories to appear in daylight again, even if it’s only to discuss muttering instead of the calamatous Brexit performance and consequences for every one of us. Why have they been hiding for so long, could it be embarrassment?
I’m amazed anyone is taking this seriously.

It wasn't going anywhere until he made a pathetic attempt to cover it up. Let's face it, it's hardly the most egregious of insults and he could quite easily have used the moment to explain how frustrated he was with the governments disgraceful behaviour over Brexit and making a pantomime joke out of a serious issue..

But no, rather than display confidence he chooses to reinforce the widely held belief that at the first sign of trouble he wobbles and loses his moral compass. He really is a vacuous old lefty windbag who has nothing to offer other than protest about how unfair life is. Having dug his hole, he'll now whinge about how unfairly the press treat him.

It really is time for him to man up and be the socialist leader that his followers believe he is.
The problem is Theresa May is far, far worse than stupid; she is arrogant, pig-headed, destructive, anti-democratic, evasive, myopic, dogmatic and an absolute danger to the economic prospects of the UK for generations to come.

The annoyance is Corbyn’s ongoing incompetence and inability to carry out his role has once again let her and her shameful party off the hook. As if to underline the issue a homeless man died on the steps of the HoC in a perfect demonstration of Conservative Party social policy yesterday, yet that bell-end Corbyn is the news once again...
It wasn't going anywhere until he made a pathetic attempt to cover it up. Let's face it, it's hardly the most egregious of insults and he could quite easily have used the moment to explain how frustrated he was with the governments disgraceful behaviour over Brexit and making a pantomime joke out of a serious issue..

But no, rather than display confidence he chooses to reinforce the widely held belief that at the first sign of trouble he wobbles and loses his moral compass. He really is a vacuous old lefty windbag who has nothing to offer other than protest about how unfair life is. Having dug his hole, he'll now whinge about how unfairly the press treat him.

It really is time for him to man up and be the socialist leader that his followers believe he is.
Why should he admit to saying something he didn't say?

Why would he lie about what he said when he knows his actions are scrutinised to a degree that almost no other politician faces?

Lip reading isn't an exact science. Other expert lip-readers have disagreed with the "stupid woman" interpretation. "Stupid people" makes sense in the context of facing a gang of braying Tory morons who were shaming our democracy with their pathetic pantomime.

Try as I might (and I have tried) I can't parse the lip movements as "stupid woman". Anyone claiming absolute confidence either has an agenda, or is content to be swept along by whatever stream of low-grade garbage the media pumps out.

On Wednesday a homeless man became the second rough sleeper to die outside parliament this year after he collapsed in a stairwell.

Merry Christmas.
I wouldn't worry as earlier the lead story was the sacking of Mourinho..... the sacking of a poxy football manager as lead story on the BBC while the country hurtles towards oblivion and all paid for by a TV tax.... you couldn't make it up!
So we should ignore all news in favour of Brexit.
Hurtles towards Oblivion :rolleyes: ffs get a grip.

For the record, having watched it last night, he 100% says stupid woman, who gives a toss, it barely scratches what she really is.
Personally I think he did say "stupid women" and should just have defended it on a "fair comment" basis.

I am struggling somewhat to see why it's big news though, as I don't really see calling someone a "stupid women" or a "stupid man" is all that big a deal, or demonstrates any kind of bias etc.
The problem is Theresa May is far, far worse than stupid; she is arrogant, pig-headed, destructive, anti-democratic, evasive, myopic, dogmatic and an absolute danger to the economic prospects of the UK for generations to come.

The annoyance is Corbyn’s ongoing incompetence and inability to carry out his role has once again let her and her shameful party off the hook. As if to underline the issue a homeless man died on the steps of the HoC in a perfect demonstration of Conservative Party social policy yesterday, yet that bell-end Corbyn is the news once again...

That's right Tony, those poor news editors of the BBC have no choice. They are compelled, against their will, to lead with a non-story about Corbyn rather than the shocking story of a homeless man dying outside the Houses of Parliament while Tory MPs brayed and jeered at the leader of the opposition in a pathetic pantomime, all in support of a PM who is doing everything in her power to circumvent parliamentary democracy.
As a matter of fact I did consider replying to your post again. Although I'm obviously pro-Labour I do try to preserve some objectivity and I've never claimed Corbyn is beyond criticism. For example, I accept he often performs relatively weakly in the HoC and this must irk some Labour MPs.
Cameron was a master in the HoC, a true stand up genius, Blaire before him, both were god awful leaders & truly despicable people, I have little interest in performance in the HoC, his policies & how he would distribute them is far important to me, many just want a show, leads us to where we are now.
I am enjoying the faux outrage of Tory MPs and tabloid newspapers who, truth be told, couldn't give a toss about equality.

Or, as Macaulay put it: 'We know no spectacle so ridiculous as the British public in one of its periodical fits of morality.'
I never accused Corbyn of saying "stupid woman".

Ever heard of "male victimization anxiety"? You sound like one of those guys who sees the "real world" in terms of zero-sum relationships. Men and women are in competition, so if things go better for women, then they must go worse for men. Ever notice that many white men have a similar view of minority groups?
The top bit is wrong BTW, I have watched it back, he did say woman, of this i'm sure, as for the rest, well, i'm not "one of those guys" just to put you right.
What could you possibly learn from reading this thread :

1. Corbyn supporters say Stupid people.

2. Non corbyn supporters say stupid woman.

3.Gassor is correct, what a load of trivia.

I support Corbyn, he said woman, so theory blown apart :D I initially thought people as we see what we want to at times, but no, 100% he said woman.
I agree though, trivial nonsense.
The annoyance is Corbyn’s ongoing incompetence and inability to carry out his role has once again let her and her shameful party off the hook

I don't know if I would go that far, but I do agree that the House of Commons is at it's lowest ever ebb.
still headline news on the bbc website, after having been so since early afternoon. that's simply appalling bias, regardless of what the man might or might not have said. i've rarely seen such blatant partisanship.

That's right Tony, those poor news editors of the BBC have no choice. They are compelled, against their will, to lead with a non-story about Corbyn rather than the shocking story of a homeless man dying outside the Houses of Parliament while Tory MPs brayed and jeered at the leader of the opposition in a pathetic pantomime, all in support of a PM who is doing everything in her power to circumvent parliamentary democracy.

On yesterdays R4 6pm news it was third in t'running order.
1st was tensions between PM and Home Sec as Javid fails to back up May over immigration policy.
2nd was emergence of curbs on UK airlines operating in EU in event of no deal.

Many are grumbling blatant bias as stupid woman gate it wasn't given prominent enough coverage by Auntie.

