
"Stupid Woman"

Leadsome was on Radio 4 Today, today saying that the PM was bringing respect to the house by acting as if it were a pantomime.


Anyhow, do we know what Corbyn said? It's obviously more important than Brexit.



What Corbyn said is not more important than Brexit but it is much more fun, the media are bored silly with Brexit non stories so hit on anything out of the ordinary and are ably assisted by government members who are keen to use any tactic to disguise the fact that they are clueless in the current situation.

We don`t KNOW what Corbyn said and anyway he didn`t say it, he mouthed it - I`m glad that aresole drivers can`t hear what I sometimes mouth at them....
This reminds me of that ‘Pah, pah / fah, fah’ visual illusion you see on teh internets.

But as has been mentioned, it’s a classic distraction tactic. We, and the media, should refuse to be taken in by it.
I cannot see what all the fuss is about myself. Corbyn was just telling the truth, she is a stupid woman.
No one ever gets to that sort of position by being stupid. Even Trump. Political leaders may be many things but stupid is, by definition, not one of them.
"Silly woman" is not a great put down is it. I could think of a lot more creative things to call her.
Dennis Healey used to refer to other Parliamentarians as “silly billy” occasionally and the way he would say it carried a lot of meaning. Apparently he began using it after Mike Yarwood made it up doing impersonations of him.
Hmm. We do have more important things but politically it been a distraction for the tories to push back on labour as they have really had the upper hand for the last few weeks.

I suspect that many of the comments listed above would be different were this a Tory male minister talking about a labour female mp. I suspect the fake offence that labour have been so good at would have been off the scale.

At the end of the day what have we learnt? JC makes bad decisions, isn't the saint his followers portray him as and is a liar. That we knew already. People who worship him will make any excuse to justify him. That we knew already. JB is not impartial. That we knew already.

Can we get back to brexit please government.
"Silly woman" is not a great put down is it. I could think of a lot more creative things to call her.
Dennis Healey used to refer to other Parliamentarians as “silly billy” occasionally and the way he would say it carried a lot of meaning. Apparently he began using it after Mike Yarwood made it up doing impersonations of him.
No one ever gets to that sort of position by being stupid. Even Trump. Political leaders may be many things but stupid is, by definition, not one of them.
Oddly enough, I think he did, and his subsequent actions bear that out. I'm not saying "rich" didn't help, mind.
I'm amazed by the number of you that are deluded enough to side with JC's claim of "people". Firstly it makes no sense whatsoever since he was clearly addressing May and not a collective. Secondly you'd have to be completely shite at lipreading if, given two alternative words, you can't see which one is being said / mouthed. Not that it's needed but the pro lip-readers have already provided sufficiently detailed analysis that is 100% conclusive since these words produce such different mouth shapes / movements. There is no case for 'it's a matter of opinion' here and it's only proffered by those who don't like the truth. FWIW I hate the pair of them but JC should have just fessed up and been a man (person?!) about it instead of compounding matters by shooting himself in the other foot.
No, my argument is not at all divorced from reality. I have lots of women in my family, and they have all run into hateful misogynists. I know first hand how they would prefer to be treated: with respect, and as intellectual equals.

What happened to playing the post and not the poster? Why not just tell a woman that you feel she said something stupid? Slightly rude, but otherwise, nothing wrong with that. Why use the phrase "stupid woman"? Why do you think it is necessary to remind her of her gender?

Either you did not read my posts very carefully, or you are simply choosing to ignore how women have been treated by too many men throughout history.

And oh yeah, if you refer to someone who is very obese as a "BIG idiot", and you strongly emphasize the word BIG in an attempt to belittle them, then yes, that is a pretty pathetic thing to do. As I would hope you already know, it is often not what you say, but how you say it.

I agree with some of what you say above - which is why I made the comments I did about what you said before. You can't simply take for granted that including the term "woman" must always mean what you jumped to conclude.

Particularly when the press grab something to hype up as a distraction.

So perhaps I read what you wrote more carefully that you did, yourself. :)
what happened was, the bloke got cross at the nonsense shouted at him. What he did wrong, if he did anything wrong at all, was to let it get to him sufficiently for him to mutter.
Matters not one tiny jot what he muttered (well it does a bit because whichever way round you (lip)read it, it's a tad weak and feeble, but the point is, this pathetic May tirade GOT TO HIM. Now if I want my future leader to have all the right characteristics to save the country from the current appaling mess, I'd certainly write 'unflappable under pressure' as one of those requirements. Quite high up in fact.
For me, that is another shot in the foot, and his advisors need to sort that lot out before worrying if his cardigan is sending the right message to his fans.

Whispering "stupid woman" is the sort of thing you can do in the heat of the moment and is certainly not a hanging offence.

If he had immediately apologised, it would have been forgotten the day after.

Unfortunately his lack of judgement showed him to be a liar and his word is now meaningless.

He had three hours to think about it and even after time for reflection, he just tried to lie.

Emily Thornberry's face showed it all, his word is now worthless.



