
Labour at it again ..... anti-semitic just won't go away !

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And a Daily Mail link too. Well done! A handy distraction from the war crimes of your own far right government and the incompetent government we currently enjoy here.
It has nothing to do with distraction from the "war crimes" (as you say) of my own far right government.

You are criticizing Israel but it seems to me that you can't stand criticism on your own country's leaders.

Is there something untrue in the link in my post?

You are criticizing Israel but it seems to me that you can't stand criticism on your own country's leaders.
To be fair, Ayre, releasing a video, or endorsing a video, is not quite as bad as shooting unarmed citizens in the back, now is it?
The conclusion you draw is the bogus bit of this sentence, though. Just because people didn't vote for somebody, doesn't mean they wouldn't benefit from that person's policies; and just because somebody didn't vote for you, doesn't mean you, as a politician, can ignore their needs.

If that's the level of thought you give to this stuff, I'm not surprised you're a Tory, TBH.

So those who don't vote for Corbyn really don't understand what they are missing?

How dare you make assumptions about whether or not I am or am not “ a Tory”

I repeat that it is bogus to claim that Labour is “ for the many not the few” in the face of the results of the last several general elections

Now try dealing with the substantive point here rather than resorting to pathetic attempts at cheap point-scoring and personal attacks

It has nothing to do with distraction from the "war crimes" (as you say) of my own far right government.

You are criticizing Israel but it seems to me that you can't stand criticism on your own country's leaders.

Is there something untrue in the link in my post?

On the contrary, I’ve criticed this country’s leaders regularly here. What I’m curious about is your focus on the leader of an opposition party in Britain. What are you, as an Israeli and for that matter the Daily Mail, so worried about?
On the contrary, I’ve criticed this country’s leaders regularly here. What I’m curious about is your focus on the leader of an opposition party in Britain. What are you, as an Israeli and for that matter the Daily Mail, so worried about?
There are few posts of mine in this thread on this subject. I am participating in this thread, I didn't start it.
BTW, people of the extreme left in Israel are supporting Corbyn and are defending him with great passion.

So those who don't vote for Corbyn really don't understand what they are missing?

How dare you make assumptions about whether or not I am or am not “ a Tory”

I repeat that it is bogus to claim that Labour is “ for the many not the few” in the face of the results of the last several general elections

Now try dealing with the substantive point here rather than resorting to pathetic attempts at cheap point-scoring and personal attacks

Mmm, a bit of an extreme response, I'd say. Not a good look, frankly.

My assumptions as to your political affiliation derive from the general tenor of your contributions here, not just from that post. If I'm mistaken, then it was an easy mistake to make. So, are you denying that you're a Tory voter, or are you just creating a distraction?
There are few posts of mine in this thread on this subject. I am participating in this thread, I didn't start it.
BTW, people of the extreme left in Israel are supporting Corbyn and are defending him with great passion.

What’s your beef with Corbyn?
There’s a highly orchestrated slander of the leader of the opposition in Britain right now. It’s one of a series of failed attempts to remove him from office. This one will fail too, leaving the organisers with their trousers down in public again- and not just in Britain this time.
There’s a highly orchestrated slander of the leader of the opposition in Britain right now. It’s one of a series of failed attempts to remove him from office. This one will fail too, leaving the organisers with their trousers down in public again- and not just in Britain this time.
And at least one finger of suspicion points towards various Israeli/Jewish lobbies. If the Israelis are attempting to influence UK public opinion, and thereby affect the outcomes of elections, this is exactly the same as Russian meddling to similar effect, and just as reprehensible.
And at least one finger of suspicion points towards various Israeli/Jewish lobbies. If the Israelis are attempting to influence UK public opinion, and thereby affect the outcomes of elections, this is exactly the same as Russian meddling to similar effect, and just as reprehensible.
If? This place is becoming more like conspiracy central every day. Corbyn has said there is a problem in the party, McDonnell has said it is not being handled very well. Let's see what fingers of suspicion can be detected once Labour has actually got to grips with antisemitism in the party.
In reality what this row about antisemitism really highlights is JC’ s utter incompetence as a political leader and is really a warning to the electorate as to how he would deal with issues of much more critical impact.

I keep hearing about the “ new politics” of JC. What he is espousing is simply a return to the failed policies that pushed this country to go cap- in - hand to the IMF in 1978 due the government being , effectively, banckrupt
Nothing new here

Also his claim to stand for “the many- not the few” is patently bogus as the Tories got more votes than Labour at the last few general elections

I don't really believe that JC is antisemitic.....( he may be) just incredibly lacking in the intellectual skills and good judgement needed to be a leader. His muddled thinking repeatedly lands him in the sort of predicament he now finds himself in and should be a clear warning as to the chaos he would precipitate if he ever got his hands in real power and had to make decisions which have much more direct impact on everyday lives

For my part he is doing a fine job of reminding us what an incompetent he really is

I hope he keeps up the good work

He is no more than a dinosaur and hopefully the sands of time will run out for him before he ever gets the chance to inflict his stupidity on the country


Even assuming you are right in everything you say, you have given no reason why any sane person with a shred of humanity would continue to vote for the bunch of self -interested liars, fraudsters and bottom feeders who are currently busy destroying what they haven't already stolen.

But of course you aren't right.

It is precisely because Corbyn is proposing a much more equitable and fair set of policies, which will definitely represent a cost and a loss of power to the current Tory oligarchy, that he is being so systematically misrepresented and lied about by vested interests, via their usual media mouthpieces. I don't intend to rehearse the whole 1970s 'unions bad-bosses good' claptrap so beloved of the hard of thinking, but your characterisation of Corbyn as a 'dinosaur' contains a delicious irony.

How much more prehistoric a bunch could you find than the Rees-Mogg/Johnson/Farage etc.etc. herd, who base all of their rhetoric ( and no doubt their frequent self abuse) on a long defunct and even mythological conjuring of some past 'Greatness' which, if it ever existed, only did so off the backs of an impoverished home population and an enslaved colonial population. I'd add that it is patently obvious that a return to Victorian times and the resulting parless condition of the majority is exactly what the Tories seek.

Of course JC isn't anti Semitic. Neither is his party. It is just honest about the gross misdeeds of Israel, which, along with the misdeeds of Saudi Arabia and others, the Tory bottom feeders are happy to ignore, so long as there is a few quid in it for them.

JC's style is of course a little difficult for many to understand. He is doggedly persistent when it comes to conducting politics in a calm and measured way. He also hasn't always got it right.

But.. shall we perhaps compare JC to Theresa May? Falling apart at the rostrum during a major speech. ( What was that about.. I forget.. because the only memorable thing was her abject failure) Incapable of uniting her party. Too weak to form a Govt without ransoming the country to a bunch of Irish bigots and not called Maybot for nothing.. incapable of speaking or thinking sponteously without reverting to soundbytes and waffle.

Or perhaps I've got it all wrong and you will respond with a comprehensive and factual account of all the wondrous benefits, miracles and future, post-Brexit glories brought to us by ten years of Tory chaos?
And at least one finger of suspicion points towards various Israeli/Jewish lobbies. If the Israelis are attempting to influence UK public opinion, and thereby affect the outcomes of elections, this is exactly the same as Russian meddling to similar effect, and just as reprehensible.
Don't you trust your famous (not cynical) justice system? If someone violets the law at your country you will know what to do with him.
As long as people are acting according the law, nothing is wrong. It seems to me that you are too afraid. Another thing, the opinion of the British Jewish is as legitimate as any of your own opinions.

Don't you trust your famous (not cynical) justice system? If someone violets the law at your country you will know what to do with him.
I'm not sure the law has yet caught up with these sort of covert techniques.
As long as people are acting according the law, nothing is wrong. It seems to me that you are too afraid. Another thing, the opinion of the British Jewish is as legitimate as any of your own opinions.
Of course the opinion is as legitimate as mine, and suggesting I'm saying different is disingenuous in the extreme. What is not legitimate is the Israeli influence, some of which may be routed through stooges in the UK.
Even assuming you are right in everything you say, you have given no reason why any sane person with a shred of humanity would continue to vote for the bunch of self -interested liars, fraudsters and bottom feeders who are currently busy destroying what they haven't already stolen.

But of course you aren't right.

It is precisely because Corbyn is proposing a much more equitable and fair set of policies, which will definitely represent a cost and a loss of power to the current Tory oligarchy, that he is being so systematically misrepresented and lied about by vested interests, via their usual media mouthpieces. I don't intend to rehearse the whole 1970s 'unions bad-bosses good' claptrap so beloved of the hard of thinking, but your characterisation of Corbyn as a 'dinosaur' contains a delicious irony.

How much more prehistoric a bunch could you find than the Rees-Mogg/Johnson/Farage etc.etc. herd, who base all of their rhetoric ( and no doubt their frequent self abuse) on a long defunct and even mythological conjuring of some past 'Greatness' which, if it ever existed, only did so off the backs of an impoverished home population and an enslaved colonial population. I'd add that it is patently obvious that a return to Victorian times and the resulting parless condition of the majority is exactly what the Tories seek.

Of course JC isn't anti Semitic. Neither is his party. It is just honest about the gross misdeeds of Israel, which, along with the misdeeds of Saudi Arabia and others, the Tory bottom feeders are happy to ignore, so long as there is a few quid in it for them.

JC's style is of course a little difficult for many to understand. He is doggedly persistent when it comes to conducting politics in a calm and measured way. He also hasn't always got it right.

But.. shall we perhaps compare JC to Theresa May? Falling apart at the rostrum during a major speech. ( What was that about.. I forget.. because the only memorable thing was her abject failure) Incapable of uniting her party. Too weak to form a Govt without ransoming the country to a bunch of Irish bigots and not called Maybot for nothing.. incapable of speaking or thinking sponteously without reverting to soundbytes and waffle.

Or perhaps I've got it all wrong and you will respond with a comprehensive and factual account of all the wondrous benefits, miracles and future, post-Brexit glories brought to us by ten years of Tory chaos?

Why do you find impossible not to be offensive about folk taking a different viewpoint to yourself

Nothing new here

Simply a symptom of a failed argument

Nothing new here

So those who don't vote for Corbyn really don't understand what they are missing?

How dare you make assumptions about whether or not I am or am not “ a Tory”

I repeat that it is bogus to claim that Labour is “ for the many not the few” in the face of the results of the last several general elections

Now try dealing with the substantive point here rather than resorting to pathetic attempts at cheap point-scoring and personal attacks

Why do you find if possible to be offensive about folk taking a different viewpoint to yourself

Nothing new here

Simply a symptom of a failed argument

Nothing new here
Mmm, a bit of an extreme response, I'd say. Not a good look, frankly.

My assumptions as to your political affiliation derive from the general tenor of your contributions here, not just from that post. If I'm mistaken, then it was an easy mistake to make. So, are you denying that you're a Tory voter, or are you just creating a distraction?

I rest my case

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