
The inevitable Royal Baby thread


Just another wee bairn. You need to get some perspective.


Yeah you say that now, but give it a few years and he'll be wanting trips to Vegas, inappropriate fancy dress costumes, expensive flat refurbishments and then his own biscuit company. These things add up.
Yeah you say that now, but give it a few years and he'll be wanting trips to Vegas, inappropriate fancy dress costumes, expensive flat refurbishments and then his own biscuit company. These things add up.


Cheap at the price on the whole though.

Can you imagine a President Campbell or Widdicombe?

If we had Royals that did more stuff like that, I'd feel more respect for them (maybe not necessarily the biscuit company).
I'm not sure it's strictly necessary for us to have anyone doing those things, certainly not at public expense and that.

Ireland seems to mostly choose presidents from the land of academe rather than former front line politicians. They seem to keep a lowish profile and do a bit of meeting and greeting. At least from this distance it`s a scheme that appears to work.
I`d suggest Baroness Warnock but she`s getting on a bit now and undoubtably has more sense than to accept.
Ireland seems to mostly choose presidents from the land of academe rather than former front line politicians. They seem to keep a lowish profile and do a bit of meeting and greeting. At least from this distance it`s a scheme that appears to work.
I`d suggest Baroness Warnock but she`s getting on a bit now and undoubtably has more sense than to accept.

It's a moot point. We are stuck with Lizzy Britain & her family for some time.

I hold no strong views either way on this, but if it came to a referendum, I'd vote to keep the monarchy. They at least do little harm & they keep the proles amused.

You'd honestly be happy with Cameron as head of state? Or Blair? Or Brown???


Well that's essentially what they are now when it comes down to it, leaving aside our antiquated system of monarchy.
At least we'd be down to one set of infrastructure rather than supporting PM's and the royals.

TBH I don't really care if they want to play at being head of state - they're entirely insignificant anyway, however I don't see why they need to be handed such luxury and ownership of so much land in order to do so.
I'd like £5 on it having two heads.

In that case not dissimilar to a few people posting here I suspect.

On this day in history, my regards to the miseries (we'll be polite) that seem to congregate here.

Also (rather more sincerely) to the decent friends I made here for several years.

Just another wee bairn. You need to get some perspective.


Sorry Chris.
But I do have it in perspective and always have had,those imo few, that want to keep them, compared the the vast rest of the population, should pay for them and I'm not one of the latter. I'm not actually interested in the one child, it's the fact that it's one now and more no doubt to follow, that will then eventually have children, thus just perpetuating this parasitical regime, that if it ever had a useful role to play it certainly has out lived it now.It's way past time for them all to go
Sorry Chris.
But I do have it in perspective and always have had,those imo few, that want to keep them, compared the the vast rest of the population, should pay for them and I'm not one of the latter. I'm not actually interested in the one child, it's the fact that it's one now and more no doubt to follow, that will then eventually have children, thus just perpetuating this parasitical regime, that if it ever had a useful role to play it certainly has out lived it now.It's way past time for them all to go

Apparently polls show (and this was before the current brouhaha over the birth) that only 20% of the British population are abolitionists. You must move in atypical circles.

Hardly a mjority, let alone a vast one. A fairly marginal minority, in fact.

From Wikipedia:

"However, recent polls show that around 70–80% of the British public support the continuation of the monarchy."

I'm not sure which polls you refer to, but I believe that when questioned most people have shown more of a total indifference, as apposed to "I support", but either way it's a outdated, very exspensive and archaic regime that is not needed in 2013
Pictures of Brenda always freak me out a little. The woman hasn't changed her hair style since before the war. That's just weird.
I'm sure there was a white van hidden around the corner and a suitable substitute baby waiting nearby should they have had to do the run to Glamis Castle to imprison the monster within the secret room, and not for the first time.

(Cue Vincent Price type evil laughter)
Kill them all, I say! Squash them like the filthy bugs they are.

Oh, sorry, I thought this was the thread about flies.

