
Dr Helen Caldicott Says Fukushima Is Much Worse Than Chernobyl


Chelsea, London
Dr Helen Caldicott is an Australian physician, who has taught at Harvard.

She is a well known anti-nuclear advocate, look her up on Wikipedia.

She talks about Fukushima, Chernobyl and nuclear power, at a press conference: Here

More than 1 million people have died because of Chernobyl. It is the biggest cover-up in nuclear history.

Fukushima is much worse than Chernobyl in terms of the effect it is going to have in the coming decades.

In Fallujah, Iraq, most babies are being born without a brain, a single eye in their head, or as mutants.

This is the result of uranium being used by the Coalition Of The Willing in Iraq.

If what she says is true, the world is already beyond help in terms of what nuclear power, leaks and bombs have done.

Get ready to die of cancer.

Far more crap was dumped into to atmosphere during the tests on atom bombs in the 50's and early 60's , you really should get a reality check.
... this being the same Prof Caldicott that even George Monbiot put the boot into recently for unsubstantiated fearmongering.

<cukture>gonna sit on my ass in wonder<culture>
Never accept the word of a raving loon.

Nuclear power is the future.

The forseeable one anyway. If you dont like it, go do your bit and live in a cave so we cant see or hear you.
Have any of you actually bothered to watch the press conference?

I've just read a backlash by people who haven't addressed any of the issues the press conference deals with.

I can't tell about Blzebub because he is on my Ignore List and will stay there.

Eating four walnuts will give you many times more radiation poisoning than what you're receiving from Fukushima at the moment.

Helen Caldicott is a loon with a big bad "look at me" syndrome and is using Fukushima to try and justify her existence.

Walnut anybody ?
even someone ranting on the basis of speculation has a lot more credibility than any national governments currently in power. that said, i do appreciate very seriously the attempts at being clever and cool by members whose posts suggest the opposite. it's like the anti-environmentalists on pfm: far more important to be perceived as a clever skeptic than to properly consider the state of affairs.

But the truly informed, the ones to really watch, are the anti-antis, those who speculate about others' speculation. Always one step ahead of the merely clever.
even someone ranting on the basis of speculation has a lot more credibility than any national governments currently in power. that said, i do appreciate very seriously the attempts at being clever and cool by members whose posts suggest the opposite. it's like the anti-environmentalists on pfm: far more important to be perceived as a clever skeptic than to properly consider the state of affairs.


Yeah, I agree.

I have an alternative proposition, and that is that possibly neither entity has any credibility. You guys make it sound like there must be a credible opinion here somewhere, and as there are only two parties being discussed, and clearly the gummint can't be the credible party, it must be the hand-waving lady who speaks truthiness. But maybe, as has already been said and agreed upon, she's just "someone ranting on the basis of speculation".

A particularly insightful assessment of Dr. Caldicott's performance can be found here:

I can’t contemplate the Fukushima disaster without thinking of End Times. The Fukushima event appears to be so damning that, if Dr. Caldicott is correct, Fukushima might be one of the first plagues (as seen in Revelation) released by God upon the People.

(And before you go knocking Mr. Adask's cred, note that he received 201,000 votes for the Texas Supreme Court in 1992. Experts rock!)
Thanks for that.

It needs repeating from time to time, the fabulous calibre of crosseyed utterloon that runs for office whilst no doubt thinking themselves sane.
And the "crosseyed utterloon" who wrote that article is totally out-nuttered by the author of the linked article intimating that the earthquake was deliberately induced by a secret government conspiracy. Truly astonishing.
Only a few months ago the nuclear industry apologist were all saying the problems in Japan were nothing to worry about. Clearly there is and the same complacency that plagued the 60's and 70's nuclear industry is on it's way back because the only way for nuclear power to be profitable is to make/sell the risks as acceptable-safety costs profits.
I'm in favour of nuclear power only if we remove private enterprise and profit from the equation. Taxpayers are paying now and will clean the shit up in the future so we should be listened to in the kind of nuke power industry we want.
It's easy to dismiss Chernobyl but if it had happened here in the Heysham say the uk would be ****ed, split in two with a no-go zone in the middle.
TEPCO recently stated "it expects to bring the situation there under control in under a year."
But they don't know what state the reactors are in.
I don't trust the official information that's being provided.
Only a few months ago the nuclear industry apologist were all saying the problems in Japan were nothing to worry about. Clearly there is and the same complacency that plagued the 60's and 70's nuclear industry is on it's way back because the only way for nuclear power to be profitable is to make/sell the risks as acceptable-safety costs profits.
I'm in favour of nuclear power only if we remove private enterprise and profit from the equation. Taxpayers are paying now and will clean the shit up in the future so we should be listened to in the kind of nuke power industry we want.
It's easy to dismiss Chernobyl but if it had happened here in the Heysham say the uk would be ****ed, split in two with a no-go zone in the middle.

Doubt it.
People are back living in the Chernobyl "exclusion zone" already.


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