
Your YouTube Adventures

Old, but still great to watch Russell Brand scare the crap out of these presenters with his quick brain and confidence.

He was amazing. He seemed to disappear after the Johnathon Ross incident.

He didn't disappear. Rather he started hanging around with the likes of Jordan Peterson and Glenn Greenwald and I believe he how has a show on Rumble (Peter Thiel's YouTube for people who are willing to risk a little bit of light Fascism if it keeps them away from the woke mind virus).

I think even people who liked him will concede he went wildly off the rails several years ago.
Russell Brand’s brain fell out of his nose at least a decade ago. Since then he’s been an Alex Jones/David Icke tribute act. A bad one at that.

PS I expect to see him on GB News with Rees Mogg, the fake vicar and the rest of them before long.
A linux channel tries out a Macbook for 30 days. The Mac vs PC vs Linux seems like a debate from another lifetime these days but interesting to see how from a Linux POV MacOS now looks like the bad UI and limited desktop choice.

As a long time keyboard player, but only for personal enjoyment, (I'm on my sixth). I was interested in this, I came across by accident over a decade ago.

The quality of acollierastro's rants continues to improve. Here she is on Gwyneth Paltrow's habit of drinking "alkaline water with a dash of lemon juice".

Charles Cornell loses his shit over Bulgarian vocal harmonies. And quite right he is too!

Been listening to this since the eighties...this is from the ethnomusicoligist Marcel Cellier's " La Mysterie de la Vois Bulgare" another great recording by him is "Les Virtuose Roumain", of an all star concert of instrumental music.

One thing he doesn't dwell on in the video is that they sing with an open throat, and without vibrato.

