
Trump Part 19

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some very sad news...

paging @matthewr -- i believe you once referenced his show

Yes, very sad. He was very good and I greatly enjoyed his contributions on Sam Seder's Majority Report and latterly his own show. Funny and smart will never not be a good thing and he will be missed.

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The best bit is the way he takes (tears) the sheet of paper from the hands of his assistant. What a delicate individual.

After that I had to switch off. A minute of Trump is all I can manage.

Somewhat ironic that Trump was trying to defend himself with facts.
Is it harsh? I think it's just accurate. Trump is a very damaged and dark man. It's easy to imagine what he would be capable of as leader of a country without the checks and balances of the US.

Something like this:

'Belarus election: Snatched from the streets in Europe's 'last dictatorship'

Activists and journalists are being rounded up and jailed in Belarus ahead of next month’s elections.

People say it’s the most brutal crackdown the country has ever known.

President Alexander Lukashenko has been in power for more than a quarter of a century, but opposition to the authoritarian leader is growing.'

Though to be fair to Trump, in such a scenario he would long ago have been moved aside in favour of someone stronger.
Is it harsh? I think it's just accurate. Trump is a very damaged and dark man. It's easy to imagine what he would be capable of as leader of a country without the checks and balances of the US.

He's not doing a bad job of removing any of those that remain. So much rides of this election.
He's not doing a bad job of removing any of those that remain. So much rides of this election.
Including telling the journalist asking if he would step down if he lost the election in November that “he’d have to think about it”. It would be a pleasure seeing him physically evicted as it was seeing Johnson thrown out of the Foreign Secretary’s official residence after he resigned.
So Trump cracks down on the Chinese, whilst ignoring the Russians who are doing the same things.

The difference - China are commercial competitors.
So Trump cracks down on the Chinese, whilst ignoring the Russians who are doing the same things.

The difference - China are commercial competitors.

it's too bad dems don't control the house of representatives.

from article (author quotes stenner):
"The whole of liberal democracy is in grave danger at this moment. But the fault lies with authoritarians on both the right and the left, and the solution is in the hands of non-authoritarians on both sides."

who are the authoritarians on the left? is this a petersonian reference to student activists or actual people in power? serious question. if the latter, who exactly? bernie sanders?
from article (author quotes stenner):
"The whole of liberal democracy is in grave danger at this moment. But the fault lies with authoritarians on both the right and the left, and the solution is in the hands of non-authoritarians on both sides."

who are the authoritarians on the left? is this a petersonian reference to student activists or actual people in power? serious question. if the latter, who exactly? bernie sanders?

Come on now Vuk, you know the big bad boogeyman pulling ALL the strings on the left is George Soros.
So Trump cracks down on the Chinese, whilst ignoring the Russians who are doing the same things.

The difference - China are commercial competitors.

Bet the Chinese wish they had advertised the bed where Obama had stayed, Huawei must be kicking themselves.
from article (author quotes stenner):who are the authoritarians on the left? is this a petersonian reference to student activists or actual people in power?

I think they mean the cancel culture people and those who (arguably) seek to limit speech, as per the Harper's letter.
I think they mean the cancel culture people and those who (arguably) seek to limit speech, as per the Harper's letter.

you might like this (worth watching the 1st 5 minutes, at least):

glenn really needs to work on his concision in these video offerings.
you might like this (worth watching the 1st 5 minutes, at least):

glenn really needs to work on his concision in these video offerings.

I managed about 5 mins as, as usual, I found Glenn entirely underwhelming. Also what's with his speech -- it sounds like he is wearing false teeth that don't fit properly.
I managed about 5 mins as, as usual, I found Glenn entirely underwhelming. Also what's with his speech -- it sounds like he is wearing false teeth that don't fir properly.

you do know he's gay, right?

p.s. i do welcome overwhelming news/opinion video suggestions.
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