
The John Westlake/Lakewest MDAC/FDAC, VFET and Detox

That boot burning draws inexorably close

I wonder a massively promoted ebay auction of the charred remnants might focus his attention?
I wonder if you meant boot instead of boat but either way I Googled burning boots and came up with an Urban Dictionary definition that I can never unread.
We’ll I never knew that.
What was it Albert Einstein said? Insanity is returning to the MDAC thread on PFM time after time expecting there to be news that the products you paid for have just been shipped to you?

No I meant setting fire to two pairs of women's boots John had forwarded here to pick up for Renatas Xmas present about a million years ago.
There's been an update on FB. The 'clock section' is being worked on and appears to be the main 'road block' to faster progress.
That boot burning draws inexorably close

I wonder a massively promoted ebay auction of the charred remnants might focus his attention?

Set fire to them and post the video maybe tomorrow at the latest!

(I am trying to "unlearn" what Google said about boot immolation!)
I plan to do it tomorrow, but you never know, it could take a day or two longer, I'll plan it out first and get back to you with a firm date. Perhaps Interested parties might like to sponsor the event with a nonrefundable deposit- that's guaranteed to go up in smoke.

Seems fitting
I plan to do it tomorrow, but you never know, it could take a day or two longer, I'll plan it out first and get back to you with a firm date. Perhaps Interested parties might like to sponsor the event with a nonrefundable deposit- that's guaranteed to go up in smoke.

Seems fitting

Film it and sell it as an NFT, as disaster art it should fetch a high premium.

